
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Red balloons will always be there.

Guess what's the day today?
Yeah, it's the 31th of July 2010.
It has been one year since JaeJoong, JunSu and YooChun(JYJ) filed the lawsuit against SM.
And till now, nothing is finalized.
But all the Cassies know JYJ have proceeded on to Japanese for further ventures.
And YunHo and ChangMin are doing their own stuffs too.
Even their 4th album "breakout" has no group dance like they would usually have.
Their front cover was even photoshopped to become a "group" picture.
When will they take the stage as TVXQ again no ones knows.
I think the members themselves don't know it too.
but we Cassie and TVXQ know there will come a day when it happens(:

Because they went through so much together,

share so much happiness, pain, joy, tears, together.
Won so many awards, conquered so many hearts,
fought so many mental and physical battles,
as TVXQ, as DBSK, as 东方神起, as Tohoshinki, as 동방신기.
Although different languages, those words carry the same significance.
& the only thing we cassies can do is to wait for them,
to pray and hope that one day SM will

 return us Hero KimJaeJoong,

return us Uknow JungYunHo,

return us Micky ParkYooChun,

return us Xiah KimJunSu,

return us Max ShimChangMin,

return us our 동방신기.

So oppas keep fighting, keep singing.
Cause you all are the red starlights of us cassies.
& we'll always raise the red balloons in the air just for the 5 of you.
Cassiopeia will always be with 동방신기.
Always keep the faith.♥
Oppas you guys told us to. ^.^

Friday, July 30, 2010

Forget the risk. Take the fall.

If that’s what you want, then it’s worth it all.
Hey people!(:
It's kinda rare that I'm home, showered, had dinner and comfortably sitting down in front of my lappy.((:
Heh, was late for school today cause I didn't hear the alarm. :(
And I tio CWO, like wth?! *shrugs*
Oh well((:

Nothing much happened today actually.
Just the usual GP lesson.
Oh yeah, did I mention that GP lessons are getting more and more productive?
I hope it's not only for the essay outlines. >.<
I mean, at least I'm learning something with the way she teaches now.
Like allowing more people to speak, more time to discuss.(:
So I was late. When I burst into the classroom and sat beside tingting,
she turned to me and said :"STRONG SMELL OF COFFEE."(:
Man, am I becoming coffee scent?! *crosses fingers* NEVER.

Went for geography lecture and slept throughout.
Except for the drawing of the river and my padi field,
the rest is really VERY BORING LUH :'(
I was like NODDING away and yihan says my "action very big". *scowls*
She tried to wake me up like ten thousand times but to no avail(:
The next time I'll NOD and hit my head on the lecture table.
No doubt about that. ^.^V

Had a semi-projectwork lesson((:
Basically Miss Chew briefed us about the written report stuffs -.-
And then we started sharing baby photos on the visualizer!(:
I didn't bring mine, cause they are all kept away SOMEWHERE. :D
Managed to snapped Miss Chew's baby photo in time((:
Hah! Miss Chew! I shall blackmail you!(:
Was left to have free discussion and lessons ended. (:

Had a mini camwhore in class((:
Can't wait for Syairah to upload the pictures onto FB.
& maybe I'll have a new profile picture!

Stoned for a few hours cause I didn't bring any revision to school to do.
When I have time to revise, no materials.
When I have no time to revise, all my materials in my bag, crushing me.((:
Ended up crapping with yihan and peijing.(:
When the rain finally stopped,
went to roll the court with yeuyann, Jenn, Thu Hang & Avan and played a little bit of tennis(:
I think it's time to change my grip,
cause I can't hold it properly anymore.(:

Trained home with Yeuyann and Jenn.
Omg, thank God it's Saturday tomorrow.
But it means spending more time on maths tonight! >.<
It's okay, I'll pass promos with all these practices.
I'll prove myself wrong.(:

To my beloved Mobby and Wobby & TPL & Yihanny & my team, you girls can do it(:
Just keep moving forward. V^.^V

Thursday, July 29, 2010

So, accidentally stumbled upon this youtube trailer of this book.
I know it has been going around for very long, but I've never read a single one of them.
And something caught me, that linked so well with my life, touched me and made me teared(:
Applies not only to couples, but also to friends.
"You're like the north pole of a magnet bar, and he/she is also like the north pole of a magnet bar. There's a force that'll always push you both apart. This force is called the obstacle, like interest differences, communication problems. However, if you put a metal bar in between, both magnets will stick to it & you'll be close to each other. That metal bar dissolves the force that pushes both of us away. 
& that metal bar is what we call, love."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's a quarter after one.


Hey people! Just came home from tennis training nowwww(:
Can't bath cause grandfather is hogging the bathroom :(
Man, I stink badly.

Oh well, I didn't fall asleep in school today!((:
Thanks to coffee.(: As much as I HATE IT.
Oh yeah, jitto's lesson today was surprisingly not sleep inducing!
Presented the stupid essay outline, and that question was proven too difficult.
So me and tingting were given a day of time extension!((:

Went for GSC, and surprisingly GSC lessons are getting more interesting.((:
For now that's it.

Maths lecture was the most epic larh!
Was laughing non-stop for don't know what reason for the first 25 minutes.
And in the middle of everything when the audi was like pin drop silent,
SinWoon suddenly YAWNED DAMM LOUDLY.
& the lecturer when like:" Yarh, yawn somemore."
We're like sitting at the front row and yeuyann at the back of the audi could hear her.
Then Samuel started telling me "ghost" story and FREAKED THE HELL OUT OF ME.
He seems to be enjoying it. -.-
And yes, I was trying to keep awake, understand the integration and TRYING NOT TO SCREAM.

Project work was cancelled and I prepared for keying's birthday bash!
(My grandfather came out of the shower and said:"Eh, 你为什么瘦掉了?!"(in hokkien)
WHAT THE HELL. He sees me everyday leh! -_-
(Okay I shall go shower first!)
Hello, I'm back!((:
Head up to LT 4 to prepare with some guys and miao ying((:
Bashed her when she came. With cake.((:
*check facebook for more info if I can upload the video((:*

Went for training with Ryan that smells like strawberry cake!
Hahaha! Was told to play doubles with Mr Law, Radhe and Siew Ying.
Siew Ying was like totally sian diao, cause I think she don't really know the formations for doubles!
SIEWSIEW AH, doubles very fun de! ^.^
Mr Law was like pissing me off TTM.
He keep going:" FLUFFY, FLFFAYEEEE, & Fluffy, come here!"
& yes, my name is Fluffy in the team, like how Yeuyann's name is roxy. -.-
Okay, I'm not mad at him, I'm just annoyed. ^^

Practiced serves and my pinky is hurting like mad now.
Coach went crazy and asked me to serve without my pinky holding on the the racket.
And in the end my whole pinky was red T.T
No lah, he's not a saddist, he's just trying to make me snap my wrist.((:
But it's okay, I'm satisfied with most of my serves todayyy! :D
Did triples for the last few minutes of the training, ((:
Stayed back for a while to rally with Yeuyann.

Trained home with a whole bunch of them.
Board the bus home, missed my stop and walked home long distance T.T
Gotta go off and, umm, do my rituals now. *smiles*

I miss you.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

SHIT, i'm left with 4 min to type an awesome entry!
Okay, shall be quick with it!

School wasn't interesting today,
Partially because my cough and flu made my body feel really unwell.
Shall try to get an MC on friday!
Then can skip 1.5 hours of GP! YEAH~

Economics tutorial and GSC tutorial were surprisingly interesting today!(:
Laughed a lot during these 2 tutorials and at least learnt something today(:

PE is the best. Always the best. Forever the best.
I thought I would collapse from the pain from my tummy.
But I didn't. (:
Was told to do like incline pull ups, crunches and run.
Was like trying my best to do incline pull ups when...
This girl stood in front of me, holding a stopwatch and said
:"Mr Teh asked you to pace me for 4 rounds in 10 minutes."
I was like, shit man, how timely, when my tummy starts cramping herself up.
But I paced her in the end. -.-
And she's very funny lah, she keep saying she cannot already,
then I keep pushing her, EH SHE CAN CONTINUE RUNNING while saying she's going to die.
She should've ran the 4 rounds without stopping to WALK and complain.
Then we would have made the 10 minute target.
12 minutes and 17 seconds.
She got scolded in the end, by Mr Teh from the first floor up the second floor.((:
We started laughing like some dorks cause his facial expressions are damm funny when he heard our timing(:
Until now I still don't know her name. Oh well. :D

Went home with a bunch of people.(:

Off to do maths now, tired.(:

Monday, July 26, 2010

So tired I just wanna shut my eyes.

And sleep till tomorrow.
Hey people, I'M FEELING SO TIRED NOW! >.<
& the worse thing is I don't know why. :(
I think it's because of the extra full dinner & I realized I haven bath yet :x
Oh well, nonetheless you people still have blog entry to read lah! (:

Wore my white shoes after gazillion years to school.
Cause it was raining like cats and dogs as usual this morning.
First period was PE, and the basement toilet was like FLOODED.
Why? Cause apparently the water cooler burst and and, yeah.
(okay hold on I need to do shopping cause meiying told me some news.)
After much contemplation, I decided on the GOLDEN EIFFEL TOWER stud earring!(:
Okay back on track!
Ran like 2 round around the college for warm up,
did conditioning, was quite slack lah the conditioning today,
200 skips, 30 crunches, 30 counts of jumping jacks and 30 push ups.((:
Then did like 2 and 3/4 rounds circuit run, ALL OF US NEARLY DIED.
And the worse thing for me is that I'm not even in track shoes -.-
Never mind, I still enjoy PE the most ^.^V

Went economics lecture after break.
Was okay okay for the like first 35 minutes,
then I started to dozed off really badly.
Till the extend that when I finally snapped awake,
I found out that...MY PEN CAP WAS GONE.
I was like writing the notes, then suddenly:" Eh, my pen look a bit short ah..."
"EH WHERE'S THE PEN CAP?!" *turns left and right*
Turns to the left sheepishly and told yihan :"Yihan ah, I think I lost my pen cap while dozing off."
Me and yihan: *starts giggling like some crazy retards*
After a few minutes I found my pen cap.
It was diagonally right behind me. -.-

The day was followed by many tutorials and a lecture(:
-comes back from bath-
School ended at like 6pm due to maths peer tutoring.((:
Had loads of laugh, MR LEE IS SERIOUSLY DARN FUNNY. ^^
Trained and bused home exhausted.

Okay, I've to get started on my work already. T.T

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shout it from the roof tops,

Write it on the sky line.  

Hey people! (:
My day has been really kinda awesome so far!
But then horh, later will have to start doing work. DAMM SIAN.

Woke up early in the morning and head down to xiyao.
Discussed about the floods in Singapore recently.
I went like "WOW" when laoshi brought up some explanations that I've never thought of.
After that we went on to some stuffs about "Men are pigs." & some addiction issues.
The discussion didn't end, so next week there's PART 2.

Rushed down to tuition centre and started teaching the moment I set foot into the centre.
Mr Ang said I'm very fierce.
GOT MEH?! I think I'm NICE LEH!(:
Ended at around 2:30pm and rushed down to guitar.
Ohoh, I officially changed my time to like 12:30pm so that I've time to rush down from xiyao.
Bleah. ^.^V

Was half an hour late for guitar cause guitar starts at 2:30pm and I only left the centre at 2.30pm.
Well, it's the last lesson already, so I guess it's okay((:
Learn a few scales and the lesson was like over.
Bought my guitar tuner, LIKE FINALLY.
The previous one mysteriously disappeared.
YES, till now I still can't find it.
But it's okay, I bought back the same model of tuner((:

Trained down to Bukit Panjang Plaza to buy my tumbler T.T
Tried to find a decent one in fairprice but they don't sell. *scowls*
Went up to Daiso to find it instead,
didn't find one like Olivia's, but I did get myself a 1.2L bottle. :D
It's gonna save me some trips to the water cooler during trainings.
I'll ask Oli where she got her tumbler from during the next training!(:
Bought a new face towel, it's PRETTY YELLOW in color! V^.^V
Omg, finally can stop using the stupid AJC towel. >.<
Was tempted to buy the LIME GREEN towel, but I controlled myself. *grimace*
Bought a 15KG hand grip too, cause 5KG and 10KG were too "light"?
Note: If anyone knows where to buy a hand grip of 15KG > , please leave a tag! Thanks!(:
Walked pass SUSHI, took a look and decided to ignore it. >.<
DID I DO THAT?! WHAT?! *slaps myself* HEH.

Gotta rush off to do my EOM now. *scowls*
Yeuyann is going crazy over it too. >.<
I hope I'll have an awesome night doing maths later -.-

Saturday, July 24, 2010

It's a feelling no words can describe.

Okay, I have no idea how to start this post.
Especially since I "abandoned" you without a word for like 2 consecutive days. :x
Words are so tangled up that I do not know where to start.(familiar?)
It has been one month, I believe, since you and your innovativeness got me.
I still smile to myself at your retardedness that night.(:
Thanks to your courage, we're where we are now.

What should I say?
You know, you've been really awesome in your own ways.
I do admit, there are days when I just feel like ignoring you,
but you know, when you come to me, I'll break whatever promises I have to myself.
Yes, that includes "Damm it, I'm gonna ignore him for the rest of my life."
And "If he doesn't talk to me I'll just go to sleep."

I know we both have our difficulties now.
You and your beliefs, me and my past-present-screwed-up-mess.
We'll find the light soon enough, one day.
What's meant to be will be.(: 

We chose this route.
We both know it's gonna be difficult, it's gonna be tricky.
Distance is not a problem. This is utter bullshit.
Tell me the number of times you wished I was by your side.
If your answer is zero it's okay, but for me,
I didn't count.((:
Yet the only reason we continue to sink deeper is the way we feel for each other.

I know I'll never wake up to your text saying "Good Morning."
I know I'll never pull out my phone and see you calling me.
I know I'll never be able to send you a text at random times asking where you are.
I know I'll never be able to go up to you and start crying all my frustrations out.
Probably in near future, maybe even longer, or hopefully-not never.
But it's okay.

I love the way you're always being so sweet at the right times.
I love the way you try to digress, act stupid and not answer my questions.
I love the way you try to make me laugh and always succeed.
I love the way you tell me things and how awesome or shitty your day was.
I love the way you always drag pass my "curfew".
I love the way you try to get me to go to bed and abandon my tutorials.

Friday, July 23, 2010

So what's your favourite season?

Spring, summer, fall, winter.
Hey people!(:
I just realized that there's a "caption" button for blogger -.-
Kinda slow huh?((:
I'm all sticky, sweaty and smelly now. >.<
Suffer under my stench!

Oh, I was late for school, again!
But total only 3 times for this whole year, so still not too bad! :D
Went for 1 and a half hours of GP.
Was keeping myself awake till...the last 20 minutes of the lesson,
then I was like semi-awake only.
but jitto was kinda kind today, she only tap my shoulder and asked me to write notes.
I tried my best anyway.

Oh yeah, sorry 34/10 for being so moody the whole day.
It's the lack of sleep, REALLY.

Geography was also a disaster.
Yihan borrowed me her jacket cause I was FREAKING cold,
and I'm surprised she not. -.-
Got so FREAKING comfortable that I fell asleep.(:
But I did revise everything in the reading room after school so still not too bad.
but yihan very poor thing lah,
there are like 2 nodding pandas on her left and right,
me and xuanzhen.((:
Must have been hard for her, but, LIVE WITH IT. ^.^V

Project work is as usual, the most NOT sleep inducing one.(:

Went for lunch with yeuyann & siyu & ashley.
Dragged myself to the reading room with them and revised geography((:
(while facebooking. LALALA.)

Collected the Tennis Store keys @ around 2pm and started to rally with serene((:
Ellai & Yinmin came soon after.((:
Omg, it feels so nice to be on court with the seniors again.((:
OH YARH, YinMin kept telling me SOMETHING that makes me scream at her.
& I feel so violated & raped lahhhhh!! Wth?!
Fooled around with Liang Ee & Alfred during umpiring. HEEHEE.
Gosh, to think I was scared of the seniors at first.
Now it just feels weird without them((:
After the matches, the guys had some torture before starting training.
and I trained home with Jenn & Yeuyann((:

Shall go off to like do my stuff now(:
Stay awesome everyone!V^.^V

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mixed feelings.

Contact the ball at the highest point!
Hey people! ^.^V
I just reach home luh. T.T
Have been coming home at this unholy hour for VERY LONG lerh leh.
And its gonna continue, like until a few weeks before promotion exams.
Gonna do a quick one so that I can go and change my printer ink and print my geog notes, annotate my geog notes, do GP research, look for EOM resources, convince myself not to write my Chinese essay, and do maths. Darn it, maths.

GP is always the killer.
I keep having this feeling that I've plenty of things to do for GP. Oh well.

School was kinda short today((:

GP lesson wasn't too bad today,
She was like in a good mood or something so no one got really told off.
Phew. And today's lesson is quite productive. HEEHEE. :D

Economics lecture and tutorials were fruitful too,
cause I didn't sleep.((:
I think it's the tehbing from this morning lo.

Had mass civics and followed by student leaders investiture.
it went on for 2 bloody hours and I'm kind of surprised I didn't doze off or something!
But hakeem was damm funny,
He keeps nodding off and nodding off.
Head turing in 360 degrees and an elongated face((:

Training was up next! ^.^
My arm is like aching so much today so I couldn't really hit well.
Rallied, serves, and finally, PHYSICAL TRAINING.
Omg, I swear I nearly died during physical.

Tomorrow's is inter-house and I'm playing with a senior.
I repeat, WITH a senior.
YES LAH, doubles. -.-
She was my very first doubles partner for my very first match.
& I have been traumatized by her ever since then.
And since my senior captain ain't gonna be there tomorrow... *squirms*
Oh well, things will be GOOD tomorrow. ^.^V
I guess.
And please don't ask who we're against.
But who knows, maybe there will be miracle.
Someone remind me to hit with my whole body tomorrow. -.-

Okay okay, I shall stop my whines for today! (:
Sorry if the post is a little...incomprehendable.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hey people!
Just reach home & I'm like exhausted TTM.
Nevertheless,a quick update before I go off and bath.
And then start doing everything I have to do.
Maybe I won't even have to sleep tonight. How awesome huh.

Shan't blog about school cause school is boring.
Except TENNIS! <3

Went for training after lessons @ 2.30pm.
& there's seriously something wrong with our tennis guys luh.
They take a longer time to prepare than the girls.
Gosh, what has this world become?! o.o

Was split into 2 groups to train.
Got dragged with yeuyann to train with the guys -.-
Did mini-tennis, and then all the way to the baseline,
while the rest of the girls did the smashing with coach.
Was targeting 20 mini rallies, but in the end only manage to hit 15. >.<
It's okay yeuyann, we can do it! We did it before right?! (:

After that training was switched over, so we had to do smashing with coach.
Then, something super EPIC happened!
Boon Tat smashed his OWN balls while trying to smash -.-
HAHAH, he was like crouching at one corner and for one round he couldn't stand up at all!
Thus, he limped his way through the rest of the training.
You should see the way he walks and run, damm epic!
Everyone was laughing at him while he winced in pain.((:
Wtf?! Who the hell would smash his own balls?! Except Boon Tat!((:

At around 4.45pm combined training ended.
But Ryan, Loon Rong & Daryl stayed back for the girls training cause they came late -.-
Neh mind, at least we have even numbers((:
Got split into two groups again, with me and yeuyann with the guys -.-
Did the 10-ball drill while the rest served and received on the other court.
My volleys were like SHIT today luh,
then coach was threatening me. -.-
He went like:" Hey fluffy! Com'on!" *scowls*
Say what I'm gonna get KILLED by Serene for interhouse if I don't find my volleys back -.-
& hey, IT WORKED.

Took a break and Tiffany told me SHE CAN'T BE THERE FOR INTERHOUSE ON FRIDAY?!
She's ABANDONING ME, there, ALONE, on court?!
Omg, I don't believe it >.<
What should I do if Serene goes crazy and stuff? :'( Whack her?
Neh mind, *sob sob*.
I will survive. T_T

Did serve and receive & cross courts after the break.
It's just super tiring training with the guys. Ugh.
Played till around 7.30pm like that and then we packed up and left.

Oh yarh, I'm soooo gonna SUN MY PILLOW.
My neck was hurting throughout the WHOLE training luh. *scowls*
Coach says it's because I don't sun my pillow that's why I get stiff necks.

Okay, I'm gonna go off like now((:
Infinite number of things to do. >.<
& I miss someone. *pout + smile*
I know, retarded.((:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pain is not an excuse to give up.

It's a reason to fight harder.

Hey readers! So sorry for being MIA-ed for so long!
My modem went crazy and decided to RIP.
However, I'm back!
And I'll post before 00:00 because I promised someone I'll post TODAY.((:

School was amazing today.
I've sort of struck coffee out of my list of food forever, for now.
& half of the time I didn't know what was going on in school.
But things will get better(:

Went to Jurong Point to meet mummy after school,
after PE to be exact.
My socks were like SOAKED and I'm sure my feet stunk.
Went to get the modem first((:
Mum wanted to wait till the roadshow before buying a new modem,
but I just stare and her and said, NO.
No choice, she had to sign the contract, while pouting.
HELLO?! Who's the mum here exactly?!
What to do? I'm dying just using my phone everyday! >.<

After buying the modem, *happy happy*
Decided to have tempanyaki cause both of us didn't know what to have for dinner.
After that went to buy my NEW COMB, and another notebook(:
Broke my personal record, 5 notebooks in 2 days.
In my defense, they each have a duty to fulfil okayyyy? ^.^V

Wanted to buy a new pair of tennis shoes cause obviously my current one is FAILING me,
and my feet.
But I backed out cause I think the salesgirl/guy would faint when I try on the shoes.

Mum fetch me home & I went home to wash my feet like siao.
With DETTOL. Many many dettol. -.-
I need a new pair of tennis shoes.
& heels. Gosh, heels.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rest in peace.

Hey readers!
Am I suppose to blog about today? Wait, it's yesterday already.(:
I'll do a really quick and short one before I go sleep.
I don't believe I'm actually so tired. >.<

Went to school early in the morning because tiff ask me to reach at like 07:15. *scowls*
End up me and her sit outside the school gate with a bunch of people because the gates only open at 8am on saturdays.
Today was the inter-house games(tennis) for the guys.
Went down because umm, I'm suppose to see roughly how its being plan,
cause apparently me and Radhe have to organize this next years. *nuts*
Did linesman for the first match.
I was like half asleep for the whole thing, and I think I yawned when the player ask for the ball -.-
& I think serene and Alfred laughed at me -.-
For the next 2 matches, I think I was outside of court, asleep on the table.
Serene wanted me to umpire for the last match and I was like "..."
She won't want me to umpire in THAT state.
I think I was so tired because I didn't drink enough water. SHOULD BE.
Anyway, Cheetah won, followed by Puma and then Jaguar(:
Good job guys(:

Stayed back after the inter-house to watch seniors play and chat with them.
I was telling Jenn and Serene how NICE I am when serene suddenly said
:"Seeing you as the umpire for this year 'A' divisions, I don't think you're nice at all."
Me: *scowls*
Just because I was fierce to a opponent teacher when he questioned my umpiring.
*looks left and right* I'M INNOCENT.
I was already damm pissed with the players then he still come kajiao me.
I'm trying to defend myself here, hello?~
And today, everyone present knows that serene...has something for muscular legs.
*gags* And her targets are all... *no comments*
Tiffany was saying that Serene will stroke her boyfriend's leg in future while on a date -.-

Oh yeah, you know the flying stinging things around the tennis court?
Yeah, behold!
I finally got stung today -.-
In the middle of my nose bridge and eyes.
It hurt like mad, turned red, swelled up, became numb & now I'm alright.((:
I swear that THING flew straight into my face -.-
No, I didn't block it's flying path.
Now I'm gonna attempt to kill its whole clan. MUAHAHA.

I'm now gonna end the post with an abrupt ending!
That's all for today readers!(:
(I realize everytime I say I would do a short one, it turns out to be lengthy. IT'S A CURSE!)

Oh, to someone, you know who you are,
if you read this post, please sleep early tonight cause I'll probably be asleep already!
 Goodnight to you(:

Friday, July 9, 2010

Because at the end of the day,

I'll pull through.

Hey hey hey everyone!(:
I'm feeling weird now.
Oh well, shall update a little and then move off to finish what I have to finish! ^.^

Today was a short day as well, TGIF!
Had GP in the morning with Mr Loh again,
1 and a half hours of GP.
Apparently it is our last lesson with him and someone is coming back again.
Which is what I'm dreading.
Discussed about quite a number of recent news and opinions((:

Went for geography lecture & I managed to stay awake!
Thanks to my lovely ALIEN & UFO. (Not meiying and her UFO.)
Was gonna fall asleep when I suddenly thought of drawing something,
the part that really kept me awake was thinking of what to draw.
Okay, what am I talking about, I was suppose to be paying attention!

Next was project work, nothing much.

Went to canteen to wait for yihan to finish her chinese. -.-
Sat with Yeuyann, ThuHang, Siyu & Jenn.
& we somehow moved to the reading room for like 10 minutes before I left and look for yihan.

Trained down to cityhall with her.
Talk. Crap. Eat. Angmoh. Study.
Short and sweet.(:

Oh yeah, I've been thinking for a few days already.
Should I have back my evening run?
I'm trying to like find a SPIBELT or a iphone armband >.<
If not I'll have to run w/o music, which is the proper way -.-

Just looked through my shelves, and I pulled out my book, "poison study".
Yeuyann! I'm gonna read the "study" series again until I buy the "glass" series!((:

Omg, I'm like reading a book when I have tonnes of things to do.(:
I should be reading my econs model essays book instead. -.-
Oh well, *sets book aside* after I finish my stuff then(:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'll get my toss right one day and serve awesomely. Promised.

Cause every artist was first an amateur.

How've you people been?(:
Sorry I didn't do a proper post yesterday,
lappy gave up on me :(
Oh, anyway, I think I'm gonna post in the "middle" format for the rest of my life.
Cause I'm already too tired to find out how to align it here and there.
Oh well. (:

Anyway, went to school in the morning & the best thing is,
there was NO assembly!
I HATE assembly. Plus today is Thursday, even worse.
Headed straight for GP with a light heart.
The relief teacher came in and went through the midyear passage with us.
Well, he's lesson was MUCH MORE productive.
& I didn't fall asleep at all!
I use to doze off in Ms Daljit's lesson ALL THE TIME.
I guess it's because I'm allowed, no, we're allowed to ask more questions.
With Ms Daljit, it's like, super stressful and I don't dare to speak at all.
But with him, we can voice our thoughts, ask many questions, be it irrelevant or not,
but not many questions were irrelevant.((:
For the first time, I enjoyed GP.(:

Went for Economics lecture soon after and there was this group of people called the CCS.
I forgot what the whole thingy stands for.
The talk was rather interesting EXCEPT that the audi was bloody cold.
Omg, there was one presenter HE LOOK LIKE A MOLE!
You know the one that digs underground?!(:
Yihan says he looks like a BEAR.

After that was like no lessons all the way.
Because Miss Chew didn't come to school today.
So we kinda used her period as a session to discuss our project work.
Well, mostly project work.(:

Went for mass civics in the Auditorium and there's this guy from the ACRES,
came to give us a talk on protecting the animals...
& omg, he showed us this bear farm...
And the stab get some substance from their gall bladder.
Owwwww. :(
& other animals...omg.
I'm gonna like be a volunteer  for that organization too soon!(:
It won't be long before I submit the form with yeuyann & Jinger!(:

Left the school straight away after school.
Only crazy people will wanna stay on longer.
Trained down to CCK with yihan, Ashley & yeuyann.
Went to have lunch with yeuyann at the Pontian wanton mee~
Went home, slacked, digressed and now it's like 08.32pm already. :x
Went to BPP Daiso & Popular earlier on.
& OHOH! Nicole gave me a random phone call!
OMG, it was so sweet of her! ^.^V
Caught up with her for a while and wow, I love the life she's leading now!
Talked, bitched, laughed, bimboed.
Man, I missed those times(:

I gotta run now, cause, umm, I think I should gets started on my economics essay asap.(:
Until now, I still don't know what to write.
& I know I'm not alone(:
Now, that's positive.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hey readers!(:
Blogging from my phone now cause my laptop is a little screwed up, as always.
And I don't know if I'll be energetic enough to on the computer again later. :x
Anyways!! I've good news for all of you!
So the class will be missing her lessons for like, 1 week!
Yeah~ I'm so happy!

Had GP tutorials this morning,
And when the relief teacher walked in,
You should have seen everyone's relieved faces. HEH.
Went for GSC, tried to stay awake but failed.
I think I know why.
I know it's not good for my health, but I've to stay awake in school too.
I can't sleep early either, sleeping early was never me.
Went to maths lecture.
It was okay at first, but then it started to get REALLY boring.
It's like zoning in and out of conscious.
Went for PW lecture, and surprisingly, I managed to stay awake for the whole lecture.
Fine, half of the time I was doddling and counting down the time while xuanzhen was nodding away((:
(nodding away = sleeping)
Went for tennis training afterwards!!(:
the dampener really does work! Fully tested today!
Heh, coach was like laughing at my dampener, just because it's heart shaped?!
But my racket is pretty okayyyyy?(:
Practiced the usual ground strokes and serves.
Did suicides and my butt hurts.

Sorry I can't type much today...
It's kinda hard to blog on my phone.

I'll try to go resurrect my lappy later.
And maybe I'll type a better post.
Goodnight readers!(:

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jesus, take the wheel.

Take it from my hands.
Hey readers!(:
Shall do a quick update about the first day of school since the...
long holidays & umm, tormenting mid years((:
I just came from & I stink cause there's PE today.
Yeah, so I shall write & go bath. In cold water :(

Today's tuesday, the day I dread the MOST in a week.
Why? Cause it's the LONGEST & the MOST TIRING day of my timetable.
But surprisingly, I survived through today without feeling deadbeat TTM.
Had maths tutorial in the morning which was amazingly understandable.
That's because I was awake throughout the whole thing. ^.^V
Then it was geog tutorial, & followed by geog lecture.
I sort of dozed off to the end of the lecture & I have no idea what the teacher was talking about.
Sinwoon, who was sitting beside me was like trying to wake me up.
FAIL LAH. I ended up dreaming about her and jerking awake at the sight of her in my dream.
Thanks anyway, heh.((:

Then I was econs tutorial followed by project work tutorial.
Omg, I nearly died laughing in project work sitting beside xuanzhen.
We were brainstorming about the cover page of our written report.
Then she suddenly turned to me and said
:"Can you see my brain juice flowing out of my ear?"

& then GSC. Teacher didn't come. Again.
There's this guy in my GSC class damm joke.
He came into the room and saw that teacher was not here,
then he went like :"Ah, standard lah."
Oh, one of my group mates sort of disappeared just like that.
She didn't turn up for mid-years nor return our texts so we tried to call her.
Pray that she's okay.

Went to reading room to find my class.
& as usual with huiyan and everything the sick talk came rolling in.((:
Talked so much that the people doing their working originally joined the talk too.
Went to change for PE & went up to the track.
Ran like 6 rounds, omg 2.4km -.-
Followed by height and weight. (OHMYGOD.DREADED)
And then it was dips, sit-ups & tug jumps. Aish.

Trained home with yeuyann & stopped by lot one to buy yeuyann's grip.
Like FINALLY, her poor racket now has a GRIP. *happy racket*
Can't wait to try my racket with the dampener.((:
Hope it will go "pok pok pok" instead of "biong biong biong" -.-
Coach says the dampener helps.
We shall all HEAR & SEE tomorrow. ((:

Gosh, I'm so gonna take a shower now, I stink.((:
& I finally figured out Opera.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The times when we use to sing as one.

I miss choir.

Hey readers! :D
Although my gastric is hurting like very badly now, and I'm about to fall asleep anytime now,
I shall be very NICE and do an update!
Three cheers for me! ^.^V
Woke up like damm early today, and went straight to vivo.
Grabbed some breakfast and met the rest of the girls.
We took the umm, train thingy into Sentosa, hahah(:
Angela and Olivia were like:"OMG SEATS, GRAB THEM!!"
& They ran towards the seats like some auntie shopping during the Great Singapore Sales.(:
Went to Siliso beach and tried to play failed volleyball. HAHAHA(:

So we decided to go "sun tanning" instead, which is not even very possible -.-
So, they started to bury me in the sand. -.-
And started adding the DETAILS, & I dont wish to add what details EXACTLY.
You should let your imagination run wild.((:
The world is lacking in creative people, you know.
Hahah, then it was Jenn's turn to suffer my gruesome fate!
Except that she had it worse.
Omg, she basically looked like a MUMMY in her CASING.
That Angela is damm power, her "cast" is damm solid. ^.^V
It's like, HARD.
but that stupid Jenn keep laughing and laughing until her cast keeps cracking.
& She still complain about the massive amount of sand that we're piling on her.
Went to shower before going for the 'LUGE' ride. :D

At the end of the day, I conclude, Miss Yeuyann is FAIL @ 'LUGE'.
The first time we rode the ride, she's the last.
She gave the reason cause she was at the back. Okay, reason accepted.
SECOND TIME, we let her have a headstart.
Omg, yeuyann what the hell were you doing?!
She said her luge was faulty. Anyone believing her?
Obviously, yeuyann, NO.

Trained back to vivo to catch "Knights & Day".
The process of deciding to watch the movie, deciding on the seats and buying the tickets was very DRAMATIC, so I shall not eleaborate ANYTHING here.((:
The movie was awesome, the male lead was damm joke.
& so were the advertisements. ^.^V

Oh, tell you readers a secret.
YES, I'm fully aware that after I type this on my blog it is a secret no more.
Heh, I was "scattering" popcorn around during the movie. HAHA.
You can't blame me, the theatre was like SO DARK!
I couldn't even see anything!
Okay fine, I am retarded. ((:

Went home, and crashed on my bed till 10.
& I'm still very very tired now.
I actually thought I could skip dinner, but, gastric gave me problems, AGAIN.
I end up having to eat RICE at like 10 plus at night. *faints*

I'm really dreading to go back to school.
Holiday homework undone, okay I did do some, mostly undone.
And the worse thing is facing the teachers again.
& my mid year results, KILLER.
Alright, rants for tomorrow, all at one go! ^.^V
I shall go off, now((:
Goodnight readers!

Everytime you smile, I smile,

& Everytime you shine, I'll shine for you.
Hey hey readers, oh, it's a new day already.(:

OMG, I don't believe IE is not aligning my post to the left too.
It's okay, I'll try it again later.(:
Heh, really don't feel like blogging about yesterday, cause nothing much really.

Oh, we went to the hospital to visit grandfather(mom's side).

Yeah, he was in the ICU, but apparently they said that he was okay already.
Hahah, cause he sort of started scolding people!
Everyone go in come out say:" Okay already. Hahah, can scold people already" (in hokkien)
Heh, went down to like have a drink or something with relatives.
Started talking to my ahkim, hahaha, she's damm funny.
She keeps telling me to go do yoga. -.-
I was like...*smiles and nods my head*
I scared I do yoga halfway I'll cannot tahan, then start practising my martial arts.
Imagine me wielding a sword in the middle of a bunch of slow moving yoga-ist.
Yoga is fun, yeah it's fun, but, sometimes too slow.

Went for this charity walk by xiyao.
Yes, I was conned there by my parents.

& Yifeng did have a VERY good laugh.
Oh well, walked the whole day lah, basically.
I'm SERIOUS! I just keep walking.
It's a charity WALK hello?!

Yeah, so that's the end of my yesterday(:

Will be going to sentosa with team mates later on(:
While Meiying and Wanyi slog their guts out in school,

Cause there's no school tomorrow cause it's YOUTH DAY holiday!hahaha, poly student not youths liao. Even their fare also adult one ^.^V
Okay, I think I'm gonna get slaughtered by Wanyi, so I shall stop here. :D

& yeah, currently waiting for someone to come and talk to me after he went off for a while.I shall dedicate something to him on my blog someday((:
& yes, I know he'll be reading this. DON'T GRIN.

& mom is nagging like...a bullet train.
Ugh, I don't like it when this happens. Honestly, who would?

Have a great day ahead readers! <3

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Darling look at me,

I'm falling like a fool for you.
Hey hey people!(:
Double post in one day because I'm, TOO BORED.
I only have one thing I'm suppose to do but have not done.

That is to tidy up my table. But I see no point in doing so.(:
Why? You are asking me WHY?(:
Cause even if I tidied it up, someone like one of my brothers, oh yes, do pick one, will come and MESS UP MY TABLE AND I HAVE TO TAKE THE BLAME FOR IT AGAIN.
Are you still going to ask me why?
Don't, unless you're dying to tranform into a panda.(:
So back to my point, yes mummy, I'm not gonna tidy up my table no matter how many times you scream at me and threatening to throw away all my stuffs like this:
Mum:" Eh, your table messy ah, if tomorrow I come back home still in this mess, I'll throw away EVERYTHING you understand?!"

Me:" Umm, okay."

*mum comes home and sees table*


Me:" Yupps! HEHE!(*in my head* How are you liking it? ^.^V) "

& FYI readers, the things on my table are still not in the rubbish chute(:
Because you know, once bitten twice shy.
I'm not a very shy person so I think I got bitten quite a lot of times and it finally drove me up the wall.

*Neat & tidy table, contented yiyun, happy yiyun*
-The next day when yiyun comes home from school-
Younger brother:"Not me."
Elder brother:"Not me either!"
*looks at grandma and grandfather and think*
Yiyun:"FINE, IT'S ME."
See what I mean?
I think my things are so fascinating that they just have to rummage through them all the time.
Yeah, so, I was bored for like the whole day not knowing what to do.
I'm gonna like think of something to do to make my day more meaningful,
maybe I should start planning afterall.

Ugh, I don't want to go back to school on Tuesday,
cause we're most probably getting back our results which means... I die.
So not expecting any Cs to come back not to mention Bs, nor As.
Beh, I'm not being negative, I'm being pratical (:
So not looking forward to anything, especially seeing jitto again.
Not going to elaborate, shall save somethings for next few posts(:

Currently waiting for SOMEONE to finish bathing,so that we can say goodbye & goodnight & sweetdreams and die on our beds.
& Oh, he's back (:

Shall end my post here then, goodnight readers!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cause time ain't an issue.

;when your mind is screaming & you still can't hear yourself.
Hey people! ^.^V It's like 2:15am in the morning now!
& I'm still very happy! *smiles*
Let me start off with a shout-out to someone yeah?
I'm kinda still having problems with my Opera browser. (Yeah, I'm using IE now.)
So, YIFENG IF YOU HAPPEN TO BE READING THIS:How do you like align your text to the left and keep my captions *points to underneath picture* in the center? Cause I like tried many many times and it didn't work! T.T

Went out with Meiying, Wanyi, Peilin, Qianhui & Marilyn earlier on!
OMG, was so damm happy to meet up with them after like gazillion years?! ^^
Went to vivo earlier with Peilin and Qianhui to do some shopping!(:
Well, I didn't buy anything! Was tempted to buy clothes...but, I controlled!
Marilyn joined us soon after, omg, damm touched cause she rushed down from school which is like super far just to see us! :D
Walked around a bit longer to wait for Wanyi and Meiying to come from school too(:
& when they finally came around, like gosh, I was dying of hunger already.
Collected our tickets and went up to food republic to have our dinner(:
(We took pictures & the woman helping us take the picture kept saying our pictures were very bright!)
Marilyn left to go for some birthday celebration or something.
Had Jajangmyeon! Yumyum! ^.^V

Went to catch toy story 3! Woopie.
Omg, the movie is touching & funny & awesomeeeee!
& YES, I cried. -.-
But it was so touching! You know, the tears just automated themselves lahhhhhh.
Never mind about that!! *hehehe*
After the movie, we sort of like walked around for a while, but all the shops were nearly closed.
& I changed into peilin heels for a while cause mine was freaking hurting my feet.
And she actually brought extra FLAT shoes just in case her heels hurt her too -.-
Her heels are so comfortable and I'm so tempted to buy heels again!!!
I'm reminded of the super ultra high heels I saw at ion orchard the other day~~
Okay yiyun, *slaps myself* stop thinking!
Trained home with meiying, while the lucky shit wanyi & qianhui & peilin who lives around her gets a ride from wanyi's mother.
Ohmygod, at the mention of going home.
I was on the 190, and it was like super crowded.
Then there's this old uncle wearing this Argentina shirt or something, damm irritating luh!!
I have no idea why there's space at the back of the SARDINE CAN ALIKE BUS and he just refuses to move and stand like behind me -.-
& His butt is like keep touching mine, omg gross.
I had to stand like half my feet out of the steps (I was standing in front of the door) to avoid his BUTT. Eww.
but of course, I have no idea what's wrong with his butt.
I think it sort of expanded and came into contact with mine again.
He was lucky that I didn't go crazy and step on his toes with my heels. Rawr.

But on the positive note, I got home safely! ^.^V
It's 2.46am readers! (:

& omg, I'm still so happy.(:
And it's because of the same reason, plus more reasons(:

Have a goodnight sleep everyone.♥

Friday, July 2, 2010

Because boy,

; I choose to believe you're my fairytale come true.

Hey, it's like 01:04 in the morning, & I'm blogging to distract myself.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna change blogskin after I finish posting this!
Almost forgot! ^.^V
As usual, boring and mundane, I shall blog about my papers!
JC papers are interesting(:
(I still don't understand how Opera works.)

Shall skip geography cause, well, it was okay for me, disaster for most and smooth for few(:

Today was General Studies in Chinese (GSC)?
Throughout the whole 2 hours and 40 minutes,
I seriously have NO IDEA what I was writing about at all.
I was just spamming Chinese characters, Chinese characters and more Chinese characters.
I did kinda badly for paper 1, and paper 2 was just screwed up.
I didn't even finish my summary.
It's the lack of practice((:

Mathematics was however, MORE FUN!(:
Okay, majority of the time, it was self entertainment.(:
When I finally got to the last question, question 12, I was like, I GIVE UP.
Then I started doodling and writing funny stuffs on my paper to make myself laugh.
I wrote about what, even if I turn into a MEOW, I won't even survive.
And a few random Chinese words like "死了" dominated the question paper(:
Cause a cat had 9 lives and I need 13 lives to die at every question -.-
So, I was giggling to myself. -.-
Then I looked up and the teacher was SMILING at me.
OH MY TIAN. What exactly have I done to my reputation? T_T
Then I decided to stop "storyboarding" cause my plot was getting more and more ridiculous I can't stop laughing.
So I continued trying to attempt some questions(:
& I got bored of pretending to be trying, so I made funny faces to myself.
The next thing I knew, I saw her SMILING at me again.
That's why I hate sitting in front when you're having exams.
After all the crap, maths paper was screwed! ^.^V
The first question already killed everyone.
& When I saw yinmin after my paper, she was like telling me,
"Hah, MATHS?! I don't even think I can get 10 marks! OMG I HAD GEOG TODAY YOU KNOW?!'
*that epic yinmin's face*
She sort of brighten up my whole day, stupid senior. ^.^

Went to lot one w/ yihan, slacked around, and waited for night to fall.
HAHAHA, we're not doing anything bad.
She was just gonna do something really sweet for her YOU KNOW WHO,
& this really sweet friend she has, WHICH IS ME, was helping her out((:

Bused home, locked myself outside my room with my laptop inside my room.
& I felt so lost!
I promise to love my laptop more than ever!:D
Daddy came home and hammer the knob off! ^.^V

& I'm really very very very happy now(:
Due to only one reason. *smiles*