
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's a quarter after one.


Hey people! Just came home from tennis training nowwww(:
Can't bath cause grandfather is hogging the bathroom :(
Man, I stink badly.

Oh well, I didn't fall asleep in school today!((:
Thanks to coffee.(: As much as I HATE IT.
Oh yeah, jitto's lesson today was surprisingly not sleep inducing!
Presented the stupid essay outline, and that question was proven too difficult.
So me and tingting were given a day of time extension!((:

Went for GSC, and surprisingly GSC lessons are getting more interesting.((:
For now that's it.

Maths lecture was the most epic larh!
Was laughing non-stop for don't know what reason for the first 25 minutes.
And in the middle of everything when the audi was like pin drop silent,
SinWoon suddenly YAWNED DAMM LOUDLY.
& the lecturer when like:" Yarh, yawn somemore."
We're like sitting at the front row and yeuyann at the back of the audi could hear her.
Then Samuel started telling me "ghost" story and FREAKED THE HELL OUT OF ME.
He seems to be enjoying it. -.-
And yes, I was trying to keep awake, understand the integration and TRYING NOT TO SCREAM.

Project work was cancelled and I prepared for keying's birthday bash!
(My grandfather came out of the shower and said:"Eh, 你为什么瘦掉了?!"(in hokkien)
WHAT THE HELL. He sees me everyday leh! -_-
(Okay I shall go shower first!)
Hello, I'm back!((:
Head up to LT 4 to prepare with some guys and miao ying((:
Bashed her when she came. With cake.((:
*check facebook for more info if I can upload the video((:*

Went for training with Ryan that smells like strawberry cake!
Hahaha! Was told to play doubles with Mr Law, Radhe and Siew Ying.
Siew Ying was like totally sian diao, cause I think she don't really know the formations for doubles!
SIEWSIEW AH, doubles very fun de! ^.^
Mr Law was like pissing me off TTM.
He keep going:" FLUFFY, FLFFAYEEEE, & Fluffy, come here!"
& yes, my name is Fluffy in the team, like how Yeuyann's name is roxy. -.-
Okay, I'm not mad at him, I'm just annoyed. ^^

Practiced serves and my pinky is hurting like mad now.
Coach went crazy and asked me to serve without my pinky holding on the the racket.
And in the end my whole pinky was red T.T
No lah, he's not a saddist, he's just trying to make me snap my wrist.((:
But it's okay, I'm satisfied with most of my serves todayyy! :D
Did triples for the last few minutes of the training, ((:
Stayed back for a while to rally with Yeuyann.

Trained home with a whole bunch of them.
Board the bus home, missed my stop and walked home long distance T.T
Gotta go off and, umm, do my rituals now. *smiles*

I miss you.