
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It feels like you've fallen for another.
You said I'm strong.
Give me an answer, don't leave me hanging, guessing, hurting.

If you've decided, do it swiftly.

I'm confused, so enlighten me, even if it means hurting me.

It's okay. Really.

I love you.

Negative gradient. Let's take the gradient of the normal instead. Positive gradient.(:

That I love you.
No matter how many times I'm going to get jealous.
No matter how many times you're going to break my heart.
No matter how many times you're going to mend it again in your own ways.
No matter how many times I'm going to cry because of you.
No matter how many times you make me worry.
No matter how many times you make me feel like I'm just not good enough.

If you still love me, I reassure you, I still love you as much.

Because all of that cannot replace,
The number of times you made my day with just a single sentence.
The number of times you made me smile.
The number of times you made me laugh.
The number of times you made me blush like an apple.
The number of times you made me feel like I'm yours.
The number of times when in doubt I still trust you.
The number of times when my heart tells me :" He's the one."
Just like how your mind told you in the first place.

"I love you.♥"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Y = -X+1

I bet you forgot! *poke* (:
But it's okay, you don't really have that "tradition" over there huh.(:
 Cross referencing to facebook, you're swimming now.
At this time.
-_- << Yes, that looks exactly like me now.
Heaven knows if you're really swimming or ... I can't think of what you'll do.(:
I mean, SWIMMING?! At this time?!

*laughs* Okay, now I'm like choked for words.
Is not nothing to say, is too many things to say.(:
I guess you're very busy revising for your trials & SPM lately.
& I really hope you're not too stressed up.
Later you fall sick again howwww?
You even gave senior citizen up. *impressed*
But you know what, I really miss your voice.
I freaking miss you.

& I want to tell you...

Monday, August 23, 2010


It's rare that I'm already seated in front of my computer at like 8.23pm now,
attempting to like blog or something.
I know I've a million things to do tonight,
but I just can't figure out what.
Like EOM, econs case studies, geography essays, chinese essays. OMG. :x
Lucky me, mongster teacher don't check my maths tutorials.
If not I'm like really a goner already.(:

Ugh, freaking younger brother came to annoy me again. >.<
Why are younger brothers so FREAKING ANNOYING?!
One day I'll stuff Durian shells up his ass. -_-

I feel like downloading more songs into my phone,
like the songs I've been listening to a lot a lot these few days,
but... I'm just... to lazy... to open the... application. *dies on the laptop*
Maybe I'll get a little more motivated when youtube starts pissing me off.
*glances at the amount of tabs I have* (:

I FEEL LIKE SLEEPING.No you ain't seeing it wrongly.(:

School was horrible today & would be worse tomorrow. :D
7 rounds around the track as usual.(:
Had like 3 hours of maths today, and my brain was too fried to go for peer tutoring.
Went to the canteen and pig with Jenn, Yeuyann & Siew Ying.
Was suppose to play tennis today,
but, as usual, it rained.
There seems to be this Monday curse.
Every Monday, at 3.45pm, the sky would show signs of rain.
Damm it, and it would ALWAYS rain.
Oh well, our poor sky needs her Monday Blues time too right?(:

Bused home with Yeuyann today,
and today's public transport was damm screwed up.
Everywhere was choke with people.((:
But the drain water is AMAZINGLY CLEAR today(:

Let there be an abrupt ending.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's your faith that makes you stronger.

So, it's just like any typical Sunday.
I wake up and head down to Bukit Merah for Sunday classes.
& today is my last lesson there.
Cause we're moving! As in, the association is moving!(:
To some weird place in the East?
& I stay in the North-West. How awesome huh.
Just imagine the time I would have to get up from bed in future.
Well, was hoping that 2 people would come, but they didn't appear.(:
But it's okay. After promotionals(:

These are some pictures from a few Saturdays back!
When I had library study session with MY & WY! <3
This baby started screaming from no where and started his/her adventure.(:
Yes, my camera is damm fail. Complain to Steve Jobs.(:

 (*googoo* What's at the end of this tunnel?)

(*pout* Boo. There's nothing!)

(OOO! Another tunnel! *crawls crawls*)

(Hah! Mesa sure find some thingy!)

(Mom, I think I'm kinda like... stuck.)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Don't worry, I'm not suicidal. Yet.

想你有时会缺氧, 嘴角不自觉上扬。

Hey people! :D
How are you people these few days? (:
Kinda lost the blogging bug for a while, oh well.
Called Wanyi and Meiying out last minute.
Cause I was like thinking about them from the start of school.
I don't know why lah, probably secondary school sick again.
So we went to JP and ate MOS BURGER. AGAIN.
Omg, I'm going to start to get sick of Mos Burger already.
Tried their Cheeseburger like for the first time in my life.((:
It's was...AWESOME!(:
Walked around looking for Wanyi's shoes and gave up in the end.
Saw a whole load of familiar people while walking around JP.
Jurong was once an alienland to me.
Now it's a place filled with endless memories for me.(:
I remember how I grumbled when my mom just sent me there.
But I made awesome friends along the way, and grumbled my 4 years through.
Now, I want to go back so badly.(:
Maybe, that might happen to AJ.
Wait. It's already happening.(:

Going to watch YOG Tennis Finals tomorrow! YAY!
Hopefully still have tickets at the ticketing booth! :D
Going to try to get DAD to sponsor me!
He has to anyway.(:

On this day, God wants you to know that God is there for you to hold on.
Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do, even if it's a long way from here.
Hold on to your faith, even if it's easier to let go.
Hold on to God's hand.

Thursday, August 19, 2010



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No more time Yiyun, no more time.
Gosh, I can't settle down and do my work.
2 essays to write in 55 minutes & I'm not even feeling the sense of urgency.
After figuring that I most probably won't be able to concentrate,
I rather blog.
What's with this distracted Yiyun?
& to think I could actually finish a full essay outline in like half an hour this morning.
Oh well. I gotta hurry up after this post I guess.

11:11 ♥

Alrighto, it's 11:12 already.
Sin Woon said my blog is about everyday stuff.
Hahah, I mean yeah, this is what happens everyday right?(:
Or maybe I'm just so tired and running out of time always
that I don't even have time to produce a proper entry by itself. Ugh.
Oh anyway, read through Meiying's archives in the library just now.
Realized that there were some points in time when our blogging style were similar.(:
Brought back so many many old memories.
I wanna turn back time. :'(
I hate growing up.

11:20 already. Time to go off. ♥
I miss you. (& it's not just 1 "you". "You" know who "you" are.)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Too tired to even feel the pain.

I guess the picture says it all.
I promise a good post after I recover.

Take care people.(:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Freaking EOM.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

Remember that Yiyun, remember that.

Sorry readers, no post today.
Homework overload. :(
Only have the sentence that kept pushing me on.(:

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I really meant what I said.

Hey readers!(:
I'm like brain dead. Feel like sleeping now.
(okay I have no idea how to continue, let me take my shower first.)
(okay I still don't know what to write, after maths.)
Okay I'm like finally back.(:
& someone's gone. Ohwell, I do hope he gets plenty of rest though(:

School was kinda alright.
Jitto is becoming kinder and kinder(:
I mean, she's not that unreasonable already. Heh.
I really hope she stays this way, like for the time she teaches us.
Geography lecture was SO SO SO BORING I fell asleep at the back part.
& guess what, more than 3 people were laughing at how I slept.
Somemore all of them, except for yihan maybe were like dozing off too! >.<
Had PW turned CIVICS(:
Discuss about some effective study thingy.
At the end of the day, the words "effective & productivity" seems annoying.

Rotted in the reading room till I was "hallucinating" while waiting for yihan.
Had lunch with her after she was done with her CHEENA LIT.
After lunch, went back to reading room.
I thought things were getting quite productive when yihan's super funny friend came to join us.
WAH, from the moment he SIT DOWN AH, TALK NON-STOP!
I was just like giggling to myself.
He's name is "Keng ___ " I THINK. The blank is suppose to be filled in by PeiJing.
Cause we each remembered one word of his name. HEHEHE.
Went crazy with Yihan, PeiJing, Hakeem & Keng ____ . + little of Deena!
In the end didn't even finish unit ONE of econs. *dies*

Went to take keys for the Tennis store to take out training balls for the guys.
They damm awesome luh, only have like 3 guys training today.
And non of the excos are training.
Went for training with yeuyann one hour after the guys started their training.
Then suddenly we were called to train with them.
Single rally. *squirms*
Not too bad, hahahaha.(:
Rallied for a while with yeuyann after training to get my ACCELERATION(:

Trained home with Yeuyann & Siewying.
Had to listen to Siewying REPEATED complains that SHE'S HUNGRY for more than 30 minutes.
Omg, I swear she's even more long winded than me like 1000000 times.

Off to sleep now.
Goodnighto readers! ^.^V

I hope you're getting better.
I don't know if you'll see this, but if you're one lucky shit and see this, ah, nothing.(:
I'm just hoping you'll get well soon.
I'm so far away, I can't take care of you and stuff.
I can't make honey lemon for you like how others closer to you can.
& the only thing I can do is to watch you from the nearest distance I can.
& make sure you're really alright.
I guess you are.(:
"John FortyOne Morgenstern Q :"I heard from somewhere that you're supposed to marry your best friend. Like, your potential fiance has to be your best friend.""
Yeah, I got that from your facebook.
When I saw that ah, many many questions gushed through my mind,
and until now, I still can't identify what my mind was screaming to ask.
But that's alright, I trust you.(:

Goodnight.(: *smiles*

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I always end up failing trying not to care for you.

Omgomg, there's NO MORE TIME.
Shall summarize my day in like a few sentences.
Currently chionging GP essay with Huiyan(:

Jitto didn't come today, yay.
But boo, meaning she'll be coming for the ONE AND A HALF HOURS lesson.
Damm it luhhhh.
Econs lecture test was a goner as usual.
I really really really dread to see the results. :(
Econs tutorials was funny though.
We were discussing our case studies when miss chew suddenly say
:" Eh why nobody say my dress today is nice ah?! "
No wonder she whole day PMS, cause no one noticed her.(:

Went for training but was very very lethargic today.
I have no idea why, probably cause of my forehand strokes.
Damm depressing. It's okay, I'll get my power shots back, one day(:
Did the volley thingy 500 times on my forehand though, and a few tens on the back and foreback.(:
Physical training was killer.
Did verticals, 10 sets.
Nearly died after it luh.
I hope my legs don't ache tomorrow, cause there's still training with the guys tomorrow.

Yupps, goodnight readers!(:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's gonna happen when it's suppose to happen.

Hello people!
Currently trying to STUDY for my econs test tomorrow.
Omg, if I get my default mark again, I'll...I'll...I'LL!!
Just try harder lo T_T

Did I tell you guys I was late today?
No, I didn't oversleep or anything.
I woke up at 5, in fact.
I just failed to wait for a car that was suppose to come and fetch me.(:
Yes, Miss Hshieh Yeu Yann texted me at 6:50am telling me that she just woke up.
And I waited at the road for like 15 minutes?!
No choice, waddled like some kuku with a shoebag, my racket and my tumbler and my big bag and took bus to school.

School was alright today, today is slack day mah.
Plus, jitto didn't come to class, so it's a bonus.(:
It sort of thunderstormed at around like 1:30pm++.
Omg, I was so devastated, cause it would mean PHYSICAL TRAINING. T.T
But coach was damm cute, he texted radhe saying he'll be late for training.
Cause he can't step out of his house in the pouring rain.
then he come tell me :"I not that stupid to go out in that rain." *scowls*
OHOH, the worse worse thing is,
He was like pretending to walk pass me, then suddenly he STEPPED
I look down at my shoes, T.T, black black one.
It's okay, IT'S OKAY, coach is always bullying me. :(

Did a little of slack physical training, (I'm surprised.)
skipped for 1 minute, 3 sets.
then dried the court and practiced volleys.
& we had to like bounce the ball on the racket 100 times.
Forehand, backhand and forebackhand.
I tried for like the 1000th time before I got my 100 times on..FOREHAND ONLY.
& then it was mixed doubles.
Cause me and Yeuyann got seperated from the girls again to join the boys T.T
One thing good about mix doubles.
Just throw everything to the guy to hit. (:
Not bad lah, didn't expect myself to work as well with Ryan.(:
both me and yeuyann were off-form today.((:

Trained home with the girls and bumped into Mr Ang half way.((:
All the best to me for tomorrow's econs test.(:
*peace sign* Goodnight readers! ^.^

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

You're the best thing that has ever been mine.

Hey people!
Went out early in the morning to study with yihan.(:
Waited for her for like one hour, after she told me she'll be getting her earpiece first.
Walked around lot one, had yakun toast for breakfast.
& I was still not FULL.
To kick away my temptation, I deposited almost all my money in the bank.
To curb my itchy mouth, that's it.
Oh well, at least I didn't eat more than the toast! (:

Trained down to YewTee Long John Silver.
Wasn't very productive cause both of us are sleepy like hell.
But at least we did some work luh(:
Apparently many of her JUNIORS were like there.
Well, if we went to JP, many of MY juniors would be there too(:
Trained down to bugis last minute and bought a clutch. :D
OHOH! I ate the abacus thingy too!
It's called 算盘子!(:
Omg, haven ate it in like GAZILLION YEARS! *happy happy*
Bused home and have been trying to do work, until now.
I have NO IDEA, NO IDEA WHY, I've been feeling so hungry,
for the WHOLE day. Ugh :(

Trying to finish my GP essay outline like now.
Brain is like so so so fried.
I'm so lucky tomorrow is kinda slack.

I love you J.W.J.K. ♥
Get well soon and rest well!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Me and my best teddy bear sitting in my favourite chair.

Omg, someone is not replying me on msn. :(I'll blog like tomorrow or something.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

That pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Evenings! (:
Thanks to MR.STM...whatever happened today?! O.O
Oh, yeah, I slept in like a pig.((:
Till around 11 plus I think.(:
Jump out of bed and headed down for tuition.

Ohoh, you know, there's this super duper inconsiderate person from our block.
Keep throwing RAW stuff down to the ground floor.
I repeat, RAW STUFF.
E.g Stingray, Squid, DEAD CHICKEN WITH HALF PLUCK FEATHERS, and etcetc.
I mean, who the hell...
Com'on lah, we're all living in the same block,
sharing the same carpark at the bottom of our houses.
I have NO IDEA, NO IDEA why they would do this.
My mum wrote to the housing development board,
they push it to other departments.
& till now, nothing, NOTHING has been done about it.

Yes, just this morning we found our car STAINED WITH SQUID INK.
Omg, I'm not violent or anything.
I mean, I'm like how GENTLE right readers?(:
But but but, if I ever ever EVERRRR find that person,
I'll roll my eyes at him/her glare at him/her(who cares if my eyes are small)
and then say :"Don't you effing have some sense of courtesy?!"
Give him/her the international finger and then walk off.(:
I don't have to be civilized to people who doesn't show me no sense of civilization.
Not that I'm not.

So, we were driving out, and then this driver passed by and waved to my dad,
signaling him to like scroll down his window.
Then he went like
:"I had it worse than you, the WHOLE SQUID was on my screen. I just came back from the car wash."
(I really do wonder how he drove out.)

I don't know but today's tuition felt like forever.
But it's getting better cause she's finally getting the hang of her weakest topic((:

Got home, did maths for like 4 hours before taking a break,
and now what am I doing?
Geog, talking to yihanny and love(:
That Wobby and Mobby are prolly too busy defaming each other in maple.-.-
Or maybe faming.
Or trying not to die and get 3rd job done.
Whatever. *ARROW BOMB*

Nights people.(:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who says you only cry when you're sad?

Evening readers!(:
Today wasn't and was really awesome for me!
It's not the quantity, it's the quality.(:|
We proved that so right today man! ^^

Ohyeah, found out from Yeuyann that Zhuang Jiao Lian missed me after I quitted wushu.
I shall consider going back for the Thursday night's class.
But, there are other factors to consider.
What should I do?

I've some people I want to
thank and appreciate(:
If you're not here, don't worry, you'll be featured sooner or later.(:
OR, you can protest at my tagboard. There. <<<<

Meiying & Wanyi.
Sorry I couldn't put a nicer picture of you two together.(:
Why am I putting you two together?
Cause when I think of Meiying, I'll think of Wanyi.
& when I think of Wanyi, I'll think of Meiying.
We used to do everything together.
I want to thank both of you for these 4 years(:
For tolerating my nonsense, for accepting me for who I am,
for sharing Joy, Laughter, Pain, and Tears with me.
Retarded moments, serious moments, epic moments.
& I really miss the 2 of you. Like hell loads.
I miss doing so many things with you two I don't know how to list them all out.
I miss the times when Wanyi's house was our second home.
I miss the times when hurling insults at each other is an everyday thing.
I miss the times when we see each other everyday in class.
I really wish time can rewind.
But, we've to grow up some day(:
I still remember our promise to live together in future.
You girls remember?
That little place that belongs to us, where we can just pour everything out.
Meiying remember? We're gonna make Wanyi fat by flooding her with food everyday.(:
You girls remember? I promised to cook soup for both of you everyday(:
(Kinda regret it now, COOK SOUP EVERYDAY?! TIRING LEH. ^.^V)
Hahah, I got so much to say that I can't possibly finish it here.
I am really touch when Meiying the sleeping pig wake up at like
6am just to text me on the first day of my JC life.
I am really touch when Wanyi got so worried when, you know, I sent the text out.
She showed the motherly side of her that I never really saw.
The list of many other things which can never be done listing.
& I know that whatever happens, the helping hands of you girls will always be there.
Blood is thicker than water.
What we share is thicker than blood.
I love you girls.(:
Thank you.
Get well soon you stupid fat fluffy pig with no meat(:
HAHAHA, you ah.(:
How did I even became so close to you?(:
Girl, thank you for being there all the time.
For understanding, for supporting me, for trusting me.
For just being who you are.(:
Although sometimes I really feel bad for insulting you now and then.
But your ANNOYED FACE is really damm FUNNY.
I can't help it lah, you know, I can't fall asleep during lectures what.(:
We'll pass promos and A levels together.
Go to university and go out to work.
I'll be one of your bridesmaid and you shall be one of mine.
One day, I'll watch you walk down the aisle with that one man.
That one man that appreciates you for who you are.
That one man that will give you happiness for the rest of your life.
That one man that will hold your hand when you're crying and tell you:
"It's going to be okay cause I'm here with you."
That one man that loves you.
OI, I love you too okay?(:
Thank you.
My boyfriend.
If you're going to scream: "What the fuck, where's that slash and the word "brother"?!"
Sorry boy, that word ain't showing.
One, I don't treat you as one.
Two, I don't feel for you as one.
Three, I love you too much for you to be one.
Am I too fierce? Awwww, *hugs*.
I have no idea why I used this picture.
I was like wondering what should I put, then I decided on your current FB picture((:
Heh, I've a lot to thank you for also.(:
For putting up with my "PMS", for putting up with my tiredness.
For putting up with my busy schedule.
For always trying to make me smile and laugh.
For loving me in your own way.(:
I know I've very little time for you cause I end classes late, and CCA.
& some crap that made me need to go to bed at 12am.
Do you think I really sleep?(: Nah, I think of you till I fall asleep.
These will pass. Time will tell.
If one day you decide to stop loving me(*slaughters you at the thought of it*),
please let me be the first one to know.
I promise to be strong.(:
I love you.(:
Thank you.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Forgiveness? Sorry, I'm not that gracious.

Hey people, sorry for being MIA for like 2 days?
Is it 2 days? O.O Oh well, whatever(:

Today is national day celebration, but we had like 2 hours lessons before.
Went crazy with the class at the end of the celebration.
Was screaming at the top of our voice and jumping around.
Hahaha, I think we look like a bunch of retard.(:
But oh well, how long more can we act as retarded as we were just now?(:

Waited in the canteen for Mars to come((:
For whatever reason I forgot, HE'S ALWAYS SO VIOLENT LAH.
Was too lazy to walk to YCK MRT to fetch the blur Mars to school,
so I stoned in the canteen while waiting for JunYao to go and fetch her.(:
Mars came soon after, hahaha, she says she feels super out of place in school.(:
But she's as pretty as usual lah! ((:
Trained with Mars, JY and Jason.(:
Alighted at Bishan to meet Jenn and yeuyann for inception!(:
Cause inception was at like 3:20, me, Jenn and yeuyann went to have lunch first.(:
And then walk around aimlessly(:
I bought a tape writer though, LIKE FINALLY. -.-
Was tempted to buy a PLUSHIE BUT BUT BUT, I controlled. Again. T.T
I'm still thinking about it luh, SO CUTE! >.<

At around 3:00 went up to GV and wait for the guys, but then they are like earlier than us?!
Avan damm zai, bought 13 tickets at one shot.((:
Waited for Ryan to come from remedial and Jason from Toapayoh before going up.
After the movie yeuyann and Jenn were being irritating.
They keep asking me:" ARE YOU AWAKE?!"
then SWAT me one time. -.- Wth, very nice to beat horh?!

Trained home with Jenn, Yeuyann, Zhen guang and Zhen Guo(:
Disturbed them from their iphone game but they won't get pek chek one leh!
That's like AMUSING.(:

& then it's home.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Because I don't know what you want from me anymore.
Give me a break.
Just give me a break from all your unreasonable attitude.
No, give the whole family a break.
Nobody likes to be scream at.
Your unreasonable rules.
Thanks to those rules, I'm not doing my tutorials anymore cause I don't have time to do a single shit.
Thanks so much for making my life much more difficult than it is now.

I'm trying to finish my work.
I'm trying to do the things I have to do.
Thanks for giving me shit.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's like learning to fly,

Or falling in love.

 And my msn crashed again! Yeah lah, I'm brain dead!
Doing GP now, and I'm so grateful to TingTing cause she practically finished everything!
Omg, THANK YOU! (:
Shall do a quick detailed one before I go off and type out everything! :D

This morning woke up early as usual to go to xiyao.
Nothing much happened today bah,
just fooled around with HuiNing, Yifeng and the usuals.
I'm SO SO SO gonna miss them when I quit xiyao. :(
Oh well, all good things comes to an end!

Went down for tuition.
Didn't teach plenty of students today, just concentrated on one girl.
She's like taking her PSLE in a few months.
& I'm worried. :(
And PSLE maths is like frigging DIFFICULT.
It's even worse than secondary 4 maths.
Okay ,maybe a little easier. But the thinking process is really XYZ.
How did I even ace it last time?!
Hell yeah, by leaving loads of questions with unfinished workings.
I just hope and pray that she gets a B at last.((:
She will.(:

Lunched with family @ BPP @ Jack's place!(:
The meal was awesome, I nearly died trying to stuff everything down.(:
HEY! The food was still good okay?(:
Went to Harvey Norman to search for a monitor for Daddy,
& then to daiso for a while before we went home((:
Surprisingly, I didn't buy anything from Daiso today.
I can't too, with mom hurrying me in that worried tone.
ADMIT IT MOM! You're just scared I might buy too many stuff.
It's a secret: She is.(:

Went home and slacked a little.
Tried to do Geography tutorials and Chinese, but failed -.-
Fell asleep @ around 7 plus and woke up at 7.30 to do maths.
Omg, after so long, I'm finally gonna start revision for Mathematical Induction.(:
I hope I do pass promos. *prays*

Ohyeah, my facebook is not working!
Not on my phone, not on my lappy! T.T
Facebook always likes to be a bitch.(:

Shall go off now, SOMEONE craves for my attention already!