
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's gonna happen when it's suppose to happen.

Hello people!
Currently trying to STUDY for my econs test tomorrow.
Omg, if I get my default mark again, I'll...I'll...I'LL!!
Just try harder lo T_T

Did I tell you guys I was late today?
No, I didn't oversleep or anything.
I woke up at 5, in fact.
I just failed to wait for a car that was suppose to come and fetch me.(:
Yes, Miss Hshieh Yeu Yann texted me at 6:50am telling me that she just woke up.
And I waited at the road for like 15 minutes?!
No choice, waddled like some kuku with a shoebag, my racket and my tumbler and my big bag and took bus to school.

School was alright today, today is slack day mah.
Plus, jitto didn't come to class, so it's a bonus.(:
It sort of thunderstormed at around like 1:30pm++.
Omg, I was so devastated, cause it would mean PHYSICAL TRAINING. T.T
But coach was damm cute, he texted radhe saying he'll be late for training.
Cause he can't step out of his house in the pouring rain.
then he come tell me :"I not that stupid to go out in that rain." *scowls*
OHOH, the worse worse thing is,
He was like pretending to walk pass me, then suddenly he STEPPED
I look down at my shoes, T.T, black black one.
It's okay, IT'S OKAY, coach is always bullying me. :(

Did a little of slack physical training, (I'm surprised.)
skipped for 1 minute, 3 sets.
then dried the court and practiced volleys.
& we had to like bounce the ball on the racket 100 times.
Forehand, backhand and forebackhand.
I tried for like the 1000th time before I got my 100 times on..FOREHAND ONLY.
& then it was mixed doubles.
Cause me and Yeuyann got seperated from the girls again to join the boys T.T
One thing good about mix doubles.
Just throw everything to the guy to hit. (:
Not bad lah, didn't expect myself to work as well with Ryan.(:
both me and yeuyann were off-form today.((:

Trained home with the girls and bumped into Mr Ang half way.((:
All the best to me for tomorrow's econs test.(:
*peace sign* Goodnight readers! ^.^