
Sunday, February 28, 2010

I want this pretty bag. (:
Wilson hope tennis backpack bag.

No proper updates today. Sorry peeps.

School sucks; hell loads.

Haven been blogging properly for days now,
shall post later if I have time. :D

Off to be a chao mugger & chiong tutorials.

Good day people(:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I live in HDB, so it should be,

I said, "Leave," baby all I want is you
To standhang outside my window, throwing pebbles; screaming, "I'm in love with you."

Credits to "The other side of the door, by taylor swift."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Be a destroyer that saves.

Well, should I post about my day?
Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes & no. (:

Went to xiyao early in the morning.
Apparently, yifeng fell asleep on his toilet bowl and didn't appear. (it's true)
Met some old friends like ROSSLYNN!
& spent sometime with Janelle, Zi Sing & the rest!(: Special featured: JU XUAN!(:

Mom, drove me down to JE to meet up with cambridge edubest tution mates.
According to them, it only because uber noisy when I arrived. -.-
& they noticed that I've becomed more vulgar... Is it true?
Keep getting psyco-ed by that yujie to go poly.
No GP, no maths, no chinese. Attractive ain't it?
His face would have been beaten purple  and swollen if i gave him a punch everytime he reminded ME that I have school tomorrow & HE can sleep in and think of what to have for breakfast.
Went to have cafe cartel w/ them to have lunch(:
Trained home.

Meiying has this 10 facts about herself.
Well, I'm gonna state 7 of mine!(:
Wanna know? Don't want tell you leh. :D
That alien tried to make me give 17 of them, but she pinky sweared so, NO DEAL.(:

Anyone with comments, to the tagboard(:

1. I step on people's shoes a lot. Don't walk in front of me cause I'll unknowingly step on the heel of your shoes and then your shoes will come off. Lovely ain't it? Don't walk behind me cause when I think of something, sometimes, I'll just stop to think. Just sometimes(: And guess what?! You'll bang into me cause it's just too sudden. So, walk beside me alright?(:

2. I'm trying to finish this korean drama, I forgot the name in korean, but in chinese it is zi(4) ning(2) gu(3). And finishing this drama is a huge challenge for me, cause, I've never finished watching any dramas completely before. Except for one, I guess.(:

3. I live to love & love to laugh.

4. Okay, I'm from Anderson Junior College. The college is a good college... *ahem* although it really lives up to its name as a *ahem* *ahem* muuu-gg-er school .*ahem* Whatever alright?

5. My phone, my cellphone, my handphone. To the hell with it seriously. It shuts down by itself for no apparent reason. And when I'm making a call it will always jam and kena stuck. So the other party knows what I'm talking about but i can't bloody hear him/her. Wonderful. Oh, it loves to shut down when I'm typing messages 7-8 texts long. So I have to retype, because it doesn't save my messages when it shuts down voluntarily. I need to change a phone, and definitely not gonna use sony erricson again. Ever.

6. About tennis, yeah, I'm in the team and all. So this was what happened last week. Coach:" Girls are gonna have a friendly match with Innova Junior College next wednesday." Me in my mind:" WHAT?! WE'RE NOT PLAYING RIGHT?!" Coach:" So lets train on doubles." Me in my mind:" GG-fied. " So wish me all the best. the nervousness is enough to drive me crazy, to the top of the merlion and down. (don't ask me why I used merlion, cause, I don't know why too.) ^^

7. Last one! Hurray! ^.^V I miss my friends. I miss my secondary school life. I still miss them a lot, up till now. I've always been as stubborn as a bull. I don't really like changes, to majority of things. And I don't like to keep what I don't like too, I won't keep it no matter what. If you think closely, it's contradiction, making loads of sense.

& you know about the "middle child syndrome"? Don't doubt it. It's true.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Right hand for the people, left hand for the akumas. --Allen Walker.

Not gonna post any pictures today cause there's not much things I wanna say.
Well, probably not going for CNY celebration @ Xiyao,
because I've to choose between tution center & there.
I've been there last year for CNY, so this year I shall go tuition there(:

Oh yeah, coach threatened me and yeuyann to join anderson JC's wushu,
if not he'll go inform his friend who's the coach for AJC wushu.
But we won't go, until coach really go tell his friend!(:
Maybe I will, need to see workload(:
Thanks Coach Zhuang!:D

Do take care everyone! I'm feeling so bloated now! T.T heh.

It's never easy;

it's like trying to spin the world the other way.

Hey hey readers!(:
You've a stinky me for today cause guess what!
I HAVEN BATH YET! & yes, I have tennis training today.
So you can just imagine how much I STINK.

Met my PDG for the first time today,
well, according to self intro, almost all of us are CRAZY(:
really do hope that we'll get along well...(:

*back from shower*


Yeah, went for tennis training after school,
stoned with yeuyann for like 4 hour plus before training started(:
Apparently the girls team is having friendly with innova JC, next wednesday.
My goodness. My jaw totally dropped like crap when I heard it luh.
I'm already so nervous playing with seniors,
When I meet people from other schools, how?

Heh, something to recommend my readers, videos of 

REMI GAILLARD on youtube!(:

Credits to yuting & friends!(:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy birthday Max Chang Min! ♥

Happy birthday ChangMin!
You've turned 22/23 today!
(If anyone is wondering, 22 is his real age, and 23 is his age in korea, do correct me if I'm wrong!)
But, you're still the magnae in TVXQ & my love!(:
I love how you always cry after thinking that you've sung badly when you didn't.
Everyone makes mistakes oppa!(:
You're the one that drew me nearer to TVXQ, the one that made me go WOW, w/ your mirotic "scream".
Until now, I haven found anyone who's able to imitate your "scream" perfectly(:
You've been my comfort, my strength, and my craze.
& no matter what, I still love you!♥
Hwaiting! Do take care of your health uh!(:
See you back on stage together as TVXQ for your 5th album!♥
Sarang hae~

Hey people! I hope you guys didn't see the obvious biasness(:
Heh, I'm so sorry, I am only human ain't I?:D
Shan't blog about what happened in school today cause it's such a bore.
My muscles are aching & there's still training tomorrow! EKKKKKK!
Loading the patcher that yihshuan sent me for audition, man, hope it works.
I'm a full time mugger-to-be, so i'll get going after finishing this post. To mug. (just in case you were wondering.)
Alright my dear dear readers!
I hope that I'll have more interesting post to update you people about.
Thank you for reading!♥

faster come home and eat the mango & chocolate cakes I bought for you!(:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spin wheel wheel spin;

& spin a rainbow out for me!(:

Hey people!(:
Just got home from tennis training!
Blogging just for the sake of blogging.
Cause my brain is not working now, going to dry my hair & sleep already.
Super irritable now, cause I'm seriously tired.
Can't they like sense it or something?!
Still purposely think that i'm still very active or something,
& do something i really HATE, looking over my shoulders when I'm using the com and giving stupid comments.
Okay, actually, my father only. Really can't STAND IT.
My mom, she just pissed me off badly with her never stop talking mouth.
That's why I'm more suitable to like live alone or something. -.-

Oh well, had a pretty fun day today in school(:
Gonna stop here cause I really can't think lo!!:D

Monday, February 15, 2010

So what if your life is a pinch of bitterness, a sprinkle of sourness & a teaspoon of sadness?

Just add in a big scoop of sugar & everything will turn sweet(:

The only reason why I'm blogging is because I've absolutely NOTHING to do.
Not wanting to go over to my grandmother's house cause I don't wanna gamble.
Gonna try to find some cans of beer later(:

Yeah, CNY started, many ang baos collected, then it's time to study.
Went to check of my geography notes have been uploaded already.
But when I saw that none was uploaded, it was total dismay.
Gosh, I'm starting to be worried about myself.
I don't wanna turn into a mugger, ugh.

Went to IMM to shop with mummy just now.
Bought TWO BAGS! Woopie! :D
Was surprised at my mother's willingness to buy me 2 bags at one go.
Alright, according to blogger, I can't get the spelling of surprise correct.
So am I correct or wrong? Ugh. (i got the spelling right in the end)

So alright people, HAPPY NEW YEAR!(:

3 more days(:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

If it's ever ever possible,

I do.

Hello everyone! See that naked banana up there? :D
That's the theme Meiying gave me for today(:
Actually, it's suppose to be BANANA in PAJAMAS, but oh well.
I can't find any nice nice bananas in PAJAMAS, just make to do with this would you? :D

What did I do today? Eh, oh yeah! I went back to JSS.
Met up with Mei Yu & Charmaine & Jian Da after CNY celebrations & tennis meeting,
waited for Nicholas to end his basketball meeting.
Went all the way to the PE department to put pressure on the coach.
But in the end, we ended up exploring places we never knew were so interesting in AJC(:

Tried to hire a cab that would take 5 people,
we bloody hell saw 3 prime cabs upon leaving the school lorh.
After that, there was none.
Gave up waiting & decided to train back(:

Charmaine & Meiyu went to Jurong Point,
while Me, Nicholas & Jian Da headed for JSS(:
The bus uncle of 154 DRIVE BLOODY SLOW.
Went back to JSS, not a single soul in sight, okay some souls, not many. Ugh.
Chatted with Mr Boay for a while before I left.
Just wanted to see the school only, feels really familiar(:

AJC really released too late already luh,
I really wanted to see my classmates & all.
Oh well, I hope there will be earlier dismissal on the next event(: *cross fingers*

Bused home(:

Chatted with Wen Ru over MSN,
the reason why I mentioned chatting with him it's because I haven't done so in a long time now.
Hahah, one of our longest conversations ever.
Weird thing is, we have never spoken face to face before(:

Tomorrow got reunion dinner! Oh my god.
I hope I'll still be able to taste all the delicious food!(:
I'm still gonna spam those junk food no matter what's gonna happen to me(:
Being sick for new year SUCKS hell loads.
To all those who are sick too, I understand your pain! :x

Last of all,
Collect many many ang baos & do eat till your hearts content!(:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I can't think of anything right now(:

Whatever it takes(:

Today is slacker day, but still it's tiring(:
Don't box me, I'll explain why.
There's only TWO lectures today, but there's a workshop until 5pm.
So most of the time in school, I'm only like wasting my time.
Hope tutorials start soon(:

GP lecture was boring, is boring, and will be boring forever. -.- UGH.
& I didn't fall asleep in Economics lecture today!
Give me claps! *claps claps*
Today's econs lecture was awesome, although I feel that the lecturer talk quite slow,
but it's to make sure that everyone hears it, so oh well(:
Had to control from falling asleep(:
I did doze off for GP, it's very very very boring. So I dozed off.
Thanks Sherry for her attempt to wake me up(:
But failed, though. :D

Workshop was awesome.
Our OG guys were super crap, & very very funny!(:
Heh, I really will miss them when we get split into our PDGs.(classes, for short)
I'll miss the entire OG(:
AJC is cruel enough to do this to us.
Trained home with Sherry, Valerie, De Cheng, Wee Kiang & Shanker after(:

Now, here comes something from me,
when I was really bored during the 2 hours of waiting for the people with H2 chem & phy.
Inspired by Meiying & Wanyi & all my friends(:
It's not very well done, I can't make out what is it..
Not sure if it's a song or a poem or a rap yet.
Maybe you people could help me decide?(off to the tagboard :D)
Simple words used, strong story behind.
I used one line from a original song I've recently scraped.
So don't be puzzled if you feel like you've read that line somewhere before.
For those who's blur now, ignore what I've just said(:

Growing up, different ways.
Stubborn me, refuse to change.
Through it all I know I'll see.
I'll come to know, it's just all me.

Hanging on to everything,
Someday I'll get through all these shit.
Cause anyway, it's up to me,
to live to breathe, to laugh it my way.

Friendship stays, spirits soar,
stubborn us, refuse to fade.
One, twice, three hundred million times.
Give it up, cause we won't break.

Memories kept, the future we'll make.
It's not easy to have it our way.
So tuck it in and life your head,
just keep the faith and do our best(:

Hope all of you liked it(:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

For I'll stand strong in the storm;

& become capable of making the world a better place, for me & you.

Can't think of anything right now, hahah, probably just too tired(:
Cheeros! ^^ I'll update a little yeah?(:

Had two bloody long talks today. Sit until my butt also numb aleady...Oh well.
Maths lecture today was so fast can?
I only could copy & can't catch any balls the lecturer said -.-

Went for tennis, hit a few balls, got selected into the team to play in April.
Ah, but i still have so much brushing up to do. >.<
Hope that all the hard work would pay off one day(:
Training was no doubt tough for me, but i'll get used to it ASAP(:

Met the mysterious Hong lao shi that called me when I was about to go to training.
Turns out that I got selected to be the reporter for the school inter-linking with lian he zao bao.
Obviously, I didn't have any interest, so i declined the offer.
I don't wanna become chinese overload, 
I'm already not in the right state of mind to take General studies in chinese. (GSC)
If i really took up the offer, I'll go bang wall & die.
On the other hand, I've too much commitments already.
Even squeezing church in is very difficult...

Trained & bused home with Yeuyann aka ROXY!(:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Even if we're completely different;

As long as it's true love, it's forever(:

Ali-baba-chicken-man! ^.^ Not me, YOU! :D
Shan't blog about school today, not in the mood to do so! :D
So I shall blog about what happened after school! ^^

After geography lecture, trained down to orchard to meet Meiying & Wanyi!(:
I really really really really misssssssss the both of them!
So glad to see them again! ^.^V
Had some hongkong things for lunch, and the waiter was overly-friendly. (due to Meiying. AHEM)
Went to far east PLAZA noticed the stress on the word "plaza".
It was when we walked till the Far East SHOPPING CENTER when we realized we were, ahem, in the wrong direction.
Enough of that, anyway bought my D.B.S.K earrings! Super happy! *dances around*
& wanyi bought her shirts!(:
It's kinda rare, i didn't see Meiying buy anything today, except for food(:

Trained back home with the both of them(:

After today, I'm happy to declare I've mastered the art of tiak-ing! ^.^
Call me SHIFU & learn the art of tiaking(:

Oh oh oh! I can't make it back to Jurong on friday! T.T
What the hell lorh, why all the schools I go to have weird CNY timetable de.
Jurong last time so late until cannot go back PHPPS.
Now AJC late until cannot go back Jurong.
What's their problem? Okay, what's my problem?!
Maybe I can meet up with the class for lunch?(:
After all, my classmates are who I miss(:

Alright, have to go already, I'm feeling really bloated today.
Tomorrow better not rain cause there's tennis!(:

Lord all mighty, you've my faith. Amen.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I hope, I wish & I pray;

Looking up at the stars, I know that day will come. Just have faith(:

Hey hey hey! ^.^
Today's post I'll be talking about my new year resolutions.
Haven really thought of them until today ya know?
But it's also more relevant to think of them when lectures & official school starts and all.
Yupps, so here you go:

1. No more careless mistakes! (I said this in my twitter before)
2. No more sleeping during lectures. & Do all my tutorials. (For those who know me long enough, you people it's a challenge. Don't you?)
3. To change my habit of using "&" most of the time.
4. To at least slim down a bit. (still in consideration cause my school blouse is too big..if i do slim down then i'll have to buy new one...& my skirt also too big... hmmm. Comment on my tagboard.)
5. Pass my 4-duan sword routine.
6. Make sure yeuchiann's command of chinese improves.
7. Adapt. 

That's all for now(:

Hmmm, nothing special in school today.
Theres's our school counselor talk, heh, he's a really funny man luh(:
Then had my first Economics lecture.
I actually sat alone cause i was too frustrated to find my OG in THAT CROWD.
Found it rather easy actually... That I dozed off a little.
But I swore I heard what the lecturer said while dozing off. (my mum saw this. >.<)
Anyway, I do hope that I'll be able to pass my promos. Ugh. Too early to think about this huh.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy birthday U-know Yun Ho!(:

Happy birthday U-know Jung Yun Ho!(:
You've been an awesome leader of TVXQ, you've been strong for your members and fans.
But do remember, we do also like a happy & healthy U-know Yun Ho(:
I'll always wait for you guys to go back on stage.

Heylo heylo!(:
Bah, due to my mother -.-, I've to like change the timing for this post to be posted.
Ugh. & totally lost to mood to like blog.
Oh, I do love the feeling when we clarify stuffs(:
Especially when it's with someone you hold dear.
Cause I just did that(:

Just a little random updates!
Oh yeah! I managed to change the H1 physics into H1 GSC! :D
Oh my god, I'm so happy.
I'm like for so sure in once in 4 years that I won't have any Fs in my report card!(:
& Yuppies! I'm in AJC tennis!(:
Selection for tournament is next wednesday, cause it rained last friday.
Ah, I hope I can be a backup. ^.^
Cause those girls look damm bloody pro. -.- Intimidating.
Last of all, I'm starting to love geography more than ever(:
I miss you, hell loads. Jealousy fills me at the thought of you & her being in the same school. At the thought that she can hear your voice, your stupid jokes, your sarcasm, your laughter. Experience your spastically fast mood swings, listen to you play the guitar & drums.Watching you do those ridiculous stuns that pisses me off everytime. To get scolded by you, to get dissed by you, to get surprise attacks on the head. It's stupid. It's dumb. It's crazy. Although I've already told you that I miss you, I wanna say it here again. ( & meiying if you're reading this don't grin to yourself please, it's not a confession of anything. -.- ) I miss you too okay dong dong? & If wanyi ever sees this, I miss you too okay old hag? If you two have been keeping track of my titles you'll both know(:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The memories go where we go;

They're like the suitcase that you never lose.

Hey everyone! My tummy is hurting like mad again,
which is really weird because I just ate my dinner,
& I'm sure this pain is the work of the stupid acids in my tummy.
But it's okay, it'll be fine soon, i guess.

Due to my bad memory, I'm not gonna talk about the orientation.
However, I won't forget the bonds made(:

Went to ECP for CIP today.
There wasn't much for us to clean up because there are like 2 classes before us?!
So the CIP was quite slack.
But there's one thing i cannot stand about it ah,
we have to wear gloves while cleaning up.
Then my hand sweat until like raining like that, in the end the whole glove wet.
So eeeeeky can? >.<
Learnt this "green cheer" & COUGAR/TRITONE won the best cheer(:

After CIP went to parkway parade to have lunch with OG.
Had a great time with them, we should have more OG outings(:

Trained home w/ WK, Shanker & Clara.
Met 2 new people on the way, they're shanker's friend & darn friendly(:

That's all for today I guess, brain's not working today.
Lectures are starting tomorrow,
I'm so gonna change my H1 Physics to H1 General Studies in Chinese(GSC).
Hopefully it will be successful, OMG, can't imagine myself doing physics for A levels.

Goodnight everyone(:

Friends are special so important they make the world go round,
we like helping one another in school or at the playground.
Friends are there to help each other when one is feeling sad,
being a friend is very special be a friend & you'll be glad.
- Barney(:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Because dreams do come true;

When you fight hard enough for them(:

HeyYo!(: Shall do a short post before i go bath & pack my bag etc.etc.
& I HAVEN BATH YET, I stink much more pungently than a skunk.
Man, JC life is tiring, nearly died during orientation today cause it was so tiring!
Although I have no idea what to blog about today...
but i guess i'll just run through a few things of what happened? :D

Gathered @ AC square for the first time since I entered the JC.
Then it was games & dance all the way!
Managed to finish the dance & college anthem today!
YAY! J1s we're soooo AWESOME! ^.^
There's a new transfer student from JJC in our group,
I'm so glad he came! He's such a PRETTTTAYEEEE boy!(:
(If he ever sees THIS, I'm D-E-A-D)
In volleyball somemore, but he's freaking skinny. -.-
Resembles one of my pei hwa mate named JOSHUA.
But apparently he went into gifted & is now in Raffles Institution, no doubt about that.
So, he's not Joshua. T.T (truth hits hard)

Heh, I can memorize the names of MOST of the people in my OG already(:
The most most most qiao(3) thing is that me and Valerie are in the same OG.
Gosh, I never dreamt that I would be in the same school as her,
let alone the same OG. *fainting* (glad to see her again)

& I never knew that some guys in our groups are such BIG JOKERS, till today. -.-
Heh, hope that orientation would be funner & funner & FUNNER.
Can't wait to know my class, ah, wanna start studying ASAP.
I'm not joking, this is LIM YI YUN!(:

Red shorts & 3/4'08 class tee tomorrow(:

I can do it, i think. I'm strong.