
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Singing in the shower LALALA. -_-

Aku cinta kamu ♥
Hey readers! (: An update from me again!
I bet you people are dying to hear about my papers so far.
Okay. I'm dying to tell you people about my papers!(:
Anyway, I've found another browser called "Opera".
I have it on my phone, but never got around using it.
Ugh. I hope this works well.
Anyway, I'm officially declaring my computer crazy!
I'll not type all its craziness here in case I break my keyboard or something.

Moving on!

I had my GP paper yesterday & my economics paper, today.
GP was totally screwed up. I mean the essay.
The comprehension was quite okay, cause I had time to finish everything, including the summary.
But oh well, guess who's marking? Yeapps, my beloved _____.*scowls*
They told us to write our tutor's name on our examination papers.
It could only mean 2 things.
1. To prevent tutors from marking their student's papers.
2. To prevent tutors from marking other student's papers.

Economics was a disaster today!
Hahaha! At least I can explain what is Price Elasticity of Demand(PED) already okay?!
And I totally forgot what was Income Elasticity of Demand(YED) and Cross Elasticity of Demand(XED).
(I'm sorry to those who don't understand what alien I'm talking.)
I'm totally GG-fied for meet-the-parents.
Oh whatever(:

Stayed back in school for...breakfast before going home.(:
I was bloody angry with the bus lah, I waited for like damm bloody long.
YES I'M ANGRY WITH THE BUS. (okay fine, I don't make sense. Sorry bus.)
I reached the interchange at like 11 plus, then waited until 12:14 then it come.
Those that follows me on twitter should know.
I was flooding it like nobody's business cause I was damm bored.
Went to 7/11 to buy big glup-coke before going home(:
Hello coca-cola, byebye stamina.
*regrets immediately*
Yiyun 2: "Yes, it's only a little bit of stamina. It should be fine."
Yiyun 3: "BLOCK 11, BLOCK 11, BLOCK 11~"
Yiyun 4: "Shoots... I'm going to die running that."
The physical yiyun: *continues glupping her coke*
Yiyun 1, Yiyun 2, Yiyun 3, Yiyun 4:" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
And they all look like this >>>
 No, I'm not a CAT -.-
 I'm just describing.
You people are SMART people, you know what I mean(:
I think the main reason why I'm not sad even after screwing my economics paper up is because my aunt didn't really react much when I told her the paper is a disaster.
I was telling her about the XED & YED and how irritating that I don't know how to write them.
Cause since she WAS an accountant, she should know -.-
Example 1.
Me:"....that XED, I never write cause ah, I don't even get what it's talking remember mah?"
Her: *turns to me blankly* "No?"
Me:*mumble* "okay fine, I've been talking to a wall."

Example 2.(before I left for my GP paper.)
Aunt:" Good luck to you two ah!" (me & my cousin)
 Me & cousin:" IF FAIL HOW AH?!"
Aunt:"Fail 就 fail lorh. I also never pass my GP before."

& I went for my GP paper with ease. ^.^

Nothing special, but I can hardly get these type of reactions from her(:
Alrighto, it's like 3:10pm. & I'm late for geography revision.
Goodbye readers! Thanks for reading all these while! :D

Sunday, June 27, 2010

So now I'm sure you love me;

;do you trust me to love you back & us to last?
 When courage comes for you to ask once more, my courage will allow me to say yes.
Hey hey readers!(:
Blogging from IE again, cause google chrome is really giving up on me. :(
Any other browsers to recommend? T.T
With the exception of mozilla firefox? :D

Didn't do much today.
Woke up early in the morning to finish up my household chores so that I can concentrate on my midyears for the next, ummm, 4 days(:
Went to fajar mac to do maths for one hour before going up for guitar.
Hahahah, lessons were quite easy today, my fingers didn't hurt that much cause I used classical(:
After guitar went to yann's house to finish up the rest of  the maths questions.
But apparently, I have no idea what's wrong with AJ's maths, it's bloody difficult luh!
Managed to complete half of the paper & went back home with yeuyann to do maths again.

I thought I wasn't gonna make it online, but we finished at like 9 plus today(:
& I'm not touching my GP now cause I've a terrible migraine.
Shall only study tomorrow morning, ugh.
I'm just so lucky that it's an afternoon paper tomorrow.(:

Shall end it here tonight cause ummm, I'm brain dead(:

Goodnight readers, love all of you! ^.^V

Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's like my ipod's stuck on replay.

HAH! Let's see how you're gonna build me a log cabin w/ fireplace on THAT.(:
Hey readers!(:
Just came back from batam like a few hours ago.
& am only blogging because a guy named John requested for it(:
Currently using IE to blog cause my google chrome is crashing on me. Ugh.
& apparently IE ain't working well with me cause it refuse to align according to my codes. Meh(:

Woke up at like 6.45am in the morning and went off to habourfront centre to take boat to Batam.
The weather was "awesome" when we boarded the boat.
Since it was still raining, the current was rather strong & yarh, the BOAT KEEP ROCKING LAH.
Tried to study some econs, but gave up after like 2 essays.
& I fell alseep(:

Upon reaching the place, there's this nice burnt charcoal smell you know?(:
& I really like the smell!
And the place is not very smelly, but they practically live above the waters.
I remembered during lunch, a baby was wandering about, & then she suddenly dropped into the water.
It's like suddenly all the guys were running/jumping down the waters to save her.
She's fine, thank goodness(:

(I'm digressing, I'm digressing, I got distracted, I got distracted...)
Well, we dance the HOKEY POKEY & CHICKEN dance!
And we played the LIMBO LAMBO LAMEBO!(:
And then it was bubble blow sessions & random screaming around times!
They are all so so so cute!(:
Oh, you know there's this 19 year old girl there, she already has a 2 months old baby.
MY GOD. I'll never wanna end up like her. Plus she's so pretty. >.<

Went home at around 4-5 plus?
headed for the mega mall!(:
Didn't buy anything except for doughnuts! :D

waking up early to chiong all my subjects(:

Nights readers! :D

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cause I'm not your princess,

& this ain't a fairytale.
Hey readers! Quick update again!
(seems that my quick updates are longer than my not-so-quick updates)
Got kinda bored from geography and the bitchy facebook.
Did a few recordings but deleted them all. (:
Oh well, there will come a day when I'll do a recording that I myself am satisfied with.(:
Woke up late this morning AGAIN AS USUAL.
Got nagged by aunt for being late... was suppose to meet her for lunch at like 10:45am?
Have been waking up late for meetings and school since I entered JC.
I have no idea what's going on since I've been sleeping more than I sleep in secondary school days.
Yeuyann says I may be the difference in workload.
Makes sense.

Had a really FULL meal.
I didn't even finish my meal, which is weird.
And I gave the rest of my food to my younger brother.
My appetite is getting smaller, and smaller, AND SOON I WILL BE LIKE WANYI.
(don't need to eat, be deity liao.)

Went to popular to buy some stuffs.
Refills & Essay book! ♥
Bought a blue-black color refill just for jitto,
since she's the ONLY ONE that complains my ink is too light.
& claims that the cambridge markers won't be able to read my writings.
For heaven's sake, I used the same pen, same ink for my 'O' level cambridge examinations just last year.
& I didn't fail any subjects?! (so tell me how can she convince me?)
Oh well, bought the refill just to cease the naggings. Ugh.
If she ask me to use black I can jolly well go faint and die.
(cause my lecture pad lines are also BLACK.)
Hopped up to Daiso! ♥
The branch @ Bukit Panjang Plaza you know you know?!(:
& some materials which are to be used to make the BELATED birthday present of someone.
I'm not keeping it a secret cause she didn't keep my present a secret too (:

Went to teckwhye to make new specs myself.
Mummy doesn't let me make contacts. Ugh.
She says if I wanna make contacts then stop playing tennis.
(My blood boiled when she said that. Yes.)
At least now I can see the balls properly.
I'll keep pestering her, and pestering her until she makes it for me.(: *grins*
And now, I'm home, in the room, attempting to finish up geography.
Since my exams are in a few days time and I'm going to batam tomorrow.
Which is like a DEATH PLAN for mid-years.
(oh, my little cousin took my phone away from me again.)
Guess I'm not gonna survive in AJ, for now.

Although I woke up late, although I'm lagging behind for geography, although I deleted all my recordings, although I'm freezing now, although I'm not gonna start studying any sooner.
Now, don't I feel normallikeyiyun again?(:

Awman, gotta run to go revise already.
Yiyun has no life for now, wait. She never had a life. (^.^V)
Goodbye readers! Thank you people so much for still reading my blog!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When my world is falling apart,

when there's no light to break up the dark.

Hey people! Blogging early in the morning @ 9.15am uh!
Okay fine, maybe it's not early to some of you, but for me it is!
I'm gonna write a very brief post and then I have to run.

Currently damm pissed off by the freaking iTunes luh,
keep hanging and hanging and hanging,
I first time want to update my software so badly then cannot transfer my purchases.
Wtf luh, heck care already, just update.(:
Anyway, the apps are always in the apps store. Just download lorh~

Gonna go back AJ play tennis with the girls again.
Heh, siewying has finally seen that there's still so much revision to do so she's not going.
I'm like screwed too, so oh well, just aiming for a 45% for every paper.
Maybe I'll just be satisfied with 20% for econs.
For GP? I feel like getting ZERO and smash my paper into jitto's face.
GP doesn't mean anything to me anyway. Since she became my teacher. -.-

(oh, my iphone is updating! *happy happy*)
*Note to self: Remember to download the FIFA world cup app back if gone!
Oh oh oh! Speaking of FIFA, I've someone to introduce to you readers!

Playing for Spain,

Jesús Navas González  
(Yeah, my superduperawesomelyfreakingly HOT spain baby.)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Haven been writing a title for very long now;

just hang on, a little more to go.
Hey readers! (^.^V)
Haven't been posting a decent post for very long now.
Kinda lost my blogging spirit for a while, although everyday I still find a very nice picture!(:

Went out with Yeuyann and Jenn to study today(:
Kinda productive, was focused for a few hours & I did do many many revision!
Went to kopitiam to have our lunch & went to walk popular & daiso.
Window shopped at diaso until Jenn & Yeuyann were dying. -.-
Lovely baskets! ♥ (I'm so gonna buy one basket from daiso!)
Dragged ourselves back to mac and tried to get back our mugging drives.
Yeuyann succeeded.
Jenn was nearly there.
I failed completely.
Oh well, at least I did better than the rest of the holidays.

Bought a piece of yellow tanktop.
(Yesyesyes, I know I'm auntie, but it's only $5!*grins*)

Anyway, my back & toe really hurts and I know they have no link but they just hurt.

Oh, anyways, I'm OFFICIALLY BROKE.
All my money are either not with me, or unclaimed.
My accounts are in a mess, I'm in a mess. *sigh*

To end off with a happy note, I'm planning to meet up with all my love ones after my mid years!(:
Looking forward to Seoul Garden & Movie with them them them! ♥

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thank you Lord. Always just in time. Amen.

Nothing much happening recently. Just study & study & PW & study.
Can't wait to go batam and do something meaningful.
Hate the education system here. Ugh.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hey readers!
I really need help from you guys this time!
I'll be going over to Batam sometime next week to help the less privileged,
so I was wondering if anyone with extra or unwanted clothes or PLASTIC toys or anything usable at home to donate!
Although it will be my first time going over,
but through the pictures, I really feel that we should do something.
I don't have the pictures with me...
but I can say that the place is VERY VERY run down.
I can describe their toilet to you.
It's like you walk into a small cubicle built above the sea and there's a hole in the ground.
And you just do your business through the hole, into the waters. TADA.
That's how run down their place is.
Think, when having Nasi Briyani lunch becomes a luxury for you.
That's how is it for them.
(For people who need more information please ask me personally @ on MSN.)

So let's share what we have with them okay? :D

If you wanna donate, do tag at my tagboard or text me or facebook me!
There's a status there talking about it!
I can go over to collect the stuffs personally from you alright? :D
So do not think of it as a hassle.
If you really have no time but wanna donate, tell me, I can go over to help you pack too!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy birthday TPL! ♥

Hey, wanted to find a picture of you but my lappy is damm lag today cause I think it's PMS-ing, so lucky you, no pictures. ^.^
Thank you for the 2 years in 3/4 and 4/4, and after we moved off to different JCs.
You've been really awesome as a friend and I really miss you. Like hell loads.
All the best in NYJC, & you must score 4 As in A levels or I'll kick your ass. ^^
Kidding larh, you know me luh, I'm like how nice, won't bully you de! :D
Enjoy today TPL! ^^

Happy birthday Micky Yoo Chun! ^.^

Sorry oppa, for the late birthday wish, but I never forgot.

Happy birthday Micky Yoo Chun! ♥
Thank you for being there with TVXQ all these years.
You're always the most emotional one, the one that cries the most and most easily.
But that's the thing that makes you so special, your heart is just so easy to touch(:
Although the situtaion now is JaeChunSu, or rather J.Y.J, I believe that you won't let TVXQ fall like that.
Because you said, "Always keep the faith and hope till the end." right? ^.^
I'm glad you fought for what you think you deserve, & I support your decision.
Oppa fighting! (^.^V)

Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm trying to find the reason. Desperately.

When one thinks of suicide, even at the edge of the window, even when feeling the tip of the blade, even after swallowing the last pill in the bottle, they are trying to find a reason not to die.