
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day everyone! ^__^

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

With time.

Blogging with my phone on the blogger app because I can't sleep. The backache is getting from bad to worse. This post is gonna be about mix issues, so don't get confused if you do find yourself reading gibberish halfway through.

I said it to you once just and I'll say it again. I am so grateful, so thankful, so blessed to have you. Whenever hear unhappy stuff going on between couples, whenever I hear crazy unreasonable stuff going on in their relationship, you don't know how badly I want you to be by my side, so that I can tell you how grateful I am, for you. And to anyone reading this blog, I pray that you'll find someone who you can relate THIS KIND of feeling with. (:

I miss both of you kukus. :( It's like we drifted but we didn't. I miss our lousy jokes, I miss all those retarded stuff we do together, I miss all the random things we talk about, I miss ending up having nothing to do together, I miss our failed plans but it's always so fun because it's failed, I miss what we used to have. Maybe growing up takes away things we used to take for granted. Like free time. We're all too busy for each other, I would squeeze time out of my hectic schedule just for the both of you. Will we all do the same? Or, will all these stuff going on in our life let us?

I guess, that day, when I broke down really badly, it was my last straw. I didn't care that I was in tutorial lessons, I just really cried like mad while watching, after watching that video. I was numb for so long that I didn't manage to realize that I was in so much pain and I always kept it inside, I always held my faith, even in times when I feel so empty I asked myself to believe. Just for you. I guess I just wasn't worth your courage to fight a little harder. I just wasn't worth anything to you. It took that moment, to tell myself "You're not worth it, it's time to walk away for good." You know it, if I was worthy, you would have. You can lie with words, but not with your actions. You broke everything, everything that I had, even when I trusted you not to. But thank you, cause now I'll stand up stronger than before. Slowly, but surely.

Don't even know what's going on huh. Talk about loyalty. Can I just throw it all away, just for the sake of myself? Can you for once, look at us and feel what we're feeling? You're just telling us do this do that, you expect this and that, and then you treat us like this. You think I don't feel it? I'm trying my best to be invisible, I don't want to be in your sight.

I'm getting sleepy, it's a good sign. Ugh.


My head is like splitting now. My brain's screaming for rest, but I can't. Don't understand why even when I start early, I still end up studying like it's last minute. Argh.

Somethings are too tiring to explain verbally. That's why blogging is my only outlet. It's like after I pen all my unhappy stuff here, I feel lighter. The archives are keeping my troubles for me. (:

Monday, February 20, 2012

My mentor, my teacher, my guidance, my friend.

In loving memory of,

I cannot describe how I felt when I received the news of you passing on.
I didn't know what to feel. I wasn't sad, I was just in disbelief.
How can you, so suddenly be gone without a word, a sign?
I remember laughing at you just 2 weeks ago, saying that you've grown some hair recently,
and how I promised that we would visit you this teacher's day again, all of us.
That familiar face you gave when I said I had to leave early,
and asking me to have lunch next time.
Tell me how was I supposed to accept such news?

When your brother started to talk to us about you, that was when sadness struck.
My tears started to fall and so did siew's and sienwei's and and you saw them didn't you?
But cher, I'm okay now, I know you're in a better place.
& I'm happy for you.

God took you home too early, you were such a great asset to the society.
I'll always remember your teachings and advice.
We have decided the tuition center going no matter what.
You may be gone but your spirit stays within us.

Rest in peace.

Valentine's 2012.

A slice of the strawberry strudel boyfriend bought for my family. <3

Valentine's 2012 was different.
Thanks to you ZhangYuTing, I had a really wonderful day. <3

Despite screwing up my autocad ST, seeing him right after the paper made me feel so much better.
Went to JP for sushi even though he don't really fancy Japanese food. :x
Ask him where he wanna eat also don't want to say, ah, later tell me want to eat newyorknewyork.
On the way we dropped by awfully chocolate to visit Jenn, but she was so so so busy with work to even notice us! So he decided that the only way to say hi was to actually buy something.
Both of us didn't know what to get so he got "Dark Chocolate Truffles" for me omg it's freaking nice,
it literally melts in your mouth. <3

Jenn was the epic one though. 
When she looked up and saw that it was me at the cashier, she went like:
"I don't want to serve already." and walked away.
Bitch sia this girl! Damn rude to the customer aka ME! Tsktsk!

Whenever I ask for a picture, this usually happens. :D

I guess we're the only couple that spends their valentine's in a library. (:

Caught a movie with Jenn & Yann at night after boyfriend's guitar lessons.
"The descendants" ain't too bad I suppose, well surely better than "chronicles".
I can't remember the rest of the details, it has been like 5 days since I saved this post? :D

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

To love gently.

All engineers are crazy people. No kid.
If you ask me to build this, it'll probably end up not looking anything like how it's suppose to be.
I have no idea how it's gonna start up and move, but according to the person who built this,
apparently it's a working "car". with 2 rear wheels and 1 back wheel.

 This is Mervin's baby. 
Cannot touch water and must be handled with care. 
Free labor aka limyiyun has to take note.

Last lesson of acting module for CTPP,
I'll miss this module so much cause it's so much fun. :(
Production is gonna be so tiring with IP and SIP with only 24 hours per day.
But oh well, I'm not alone. (:


To sum the module up, Miss Suzan made us try out a different piece from our own.
To be honest, I got a really contrasting piece.
From the Queen of Faries, Titania to a Mental Hospital Patient,it was actually quite a challenge. 
I've always wanted to play a lunatic so it's like a dream come true for me luh.
Did better than I expected, but claire & chloe said insane = me so there was not much difference.

 Meet Freddy & Suzzy! ^^

Credit: Amazing Aisyah

Went to JE library today with boyfriend to study. (:
Took the chance to finish up autocad so that I won't have a hard time tomorrow! :O
While that boy was watching me use autocad like a noob, he said he can't picture me playing dota.
Wise choice, don't. Cause you'll vomit all your internal organs out. It's that bad.
But I manage to complete it ANYWAYS, so I think I have a chance of passing this module. HEH.

 You don't see him smile smile uh, HE WAS SLACKING OKAY?
Reading comics after doing just 5 questions, 我也拿他没办法!

Being uncooperative when I wanted to take picture.
Don't know who says must have many pictures one, I WONDER. 

This is the most decent picture of the day which is still indecent. ^^
Still looks nice though. <3

Head to IMM for dinner cause both of us couldn't stand staying in the library anymore.
Gave up "We not naughty" for "Fish & Co." and I'm proud to say I finally used my mastercard today!
I still can't sign my screwed up signature but it's okay, I'll get it with more practice. :D

Took the long way home cause I was soooo sooooo tired. D:
Dozed off immediately after boyfriend sent me off on 190.
Wanted to go for a short jog when I got home but realized that my feet is still injured, MEH.
BYE. <3

Goal for today: SLEEP BEFORE 12 MIDNIGHT.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hello stalkers.

I know some of these pictures are ancient but I haven got a chance to blog about it so yeah.
If you stalk my twitter too you might have probably seen majority of these so yeah.
So yeah.

I finally step foot into IKEA @ Tampines after 18 years of my life.
Anyway, the food is great.

Pretty pretty light bulbs.

Busy admiring herself to even take notice of me. Okay can.

  This is definitely on my to-get list. (:  In future when I get married, or when I have a room to myself, I really want one of this beside my bed. I've always wanted to sit in bed with my comfy blanket on a rainy night, with a hot cup of coffee and a good book.

These are pretty too! Provided the person sharing the bed with me approves of it. 
If not, I'll be perfectly contented with the first one. 

Sneak peak into the life of a CTPP student.
 Actually this one also nothing to peak lah horh. It's just a... spotlight?

My CA poem, still madly in love with it. <3

 This is me and kenneth, my gay best friend.
Just look at his spastic face HAHAHA.

Met up with Timo for dinner with Huining before she flies back to the states,
the holidays are so different so she couldn't stay for CNY! :(

 Me & Timotheus!

 Ziliang, Me, Timotheus and Huining.
Although ziliang and hwee neng were quarreling so much at the dinner table, you know they'll miss each other when hweeneng goes back to the states. After all, not many can match with hweeneng's chilli padi-ness.

Seeing Hweeneng enjoying her life aboard makes my butt itch. I really wanna go to UK, or maybe Australia to further studies. People ask, NUS also top few universities in the world what for you spend the extra money to go overseas. I know it's not cheap to go overseas. Around 8-10k more than studying in a local university per year. But, don't people get it? The course I'm in, the dream I'm chasing, the direction I'm running in, Singapore is not experienced enough to give me ample knowledge on it. So what if NUS, NTU, SMU are good universities? They can't cater to what I need to learn.

When things get bored in econs tutorial,
 Tada! There you have it! Aisyah fish braided my hair! 
It's not even one of the best fish braids she has ever braided. (:

Now you know why school is never boring? (:

I remember coming home in a super foul mood, then I saw her,
 She has the power to make me smile even with that frown on her face.
Love you to bits Renee Lim. <3


I was craving for this. So I drank it. :P
Another pretty baby, WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR HUH!
I don't remember being so pretty when I was young!

Went to the hairdresser today with mom after dinner on impulse.
I asked the hairdresser to give me side bangs. He said "Orh okay, understand."
Honestly, I was impressed. Till he took a big chunk of my fringe and snipped everything off.
Didn't turn out that bad afterall, I guess? :D

I'm still getting used to the clear view without the obstruction of my fringe.
*pats my fringe*

That's all folks!