
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


is the ability to stand up and fight harder after every fall.

Heyy! Sorry about the sudden disappearance!
Was kinda busy with matter of school, in fact, still am.
Anyway, thanks to all the darlings that come to my blog now and then to check for posts!(:
Oh oh oh! That pretty picture up there? It is posted on 26th april 2007.
So it holds a special meaning. AWESOME.(:

Oh yeah,
Thanks for Meiying & Wanyi for the BREAK OUT album!(:
Thanks to 34/10! for the awesome card & awesome cupcake!(:
Thanks to Siewying, yeuyann & Olivia for the carebear and sweets & card & his handwriting!(:
Thank to radhe, for the awesomeful bar of chocolate!(:
Thanks to people who texted me, wished me in person, and wrote on my facebook wall.
Wanted to list everyone out, but the list is too long(:

You know, itunes is still being a bitch.
Have no bloody time to go and solve the problem cause life has been really hectic.
Look, I can't even remember what happened in school today.
Okay, awesome.

First had GP lecture, slept through the lecture with occasional waking up(:
Then it was GSC, was half conscious for like half of the lesson.
Maths test. Don't talk about it.
Project work. It was going okay, but ended suckily.

Tennis. AWESOME!(:
Warmed up a little before the lightening alert went off & it started to drizzle.(& it rained soon after)
What the hell luh, happens almost everytime now.
Had canteen break with coach and the team(:
Man, I'm so gonna beat Yin Min's high score. JUST YOU WAIT! :D
Rain stopped, lightening alert went off, rolled court and practice(:
Played 2 matches today. Awesome doubles partner, Radhe. 60 crunches.

Have GP & PW & Econs & GSC & Geog & Maths tutorials research test to do/study/read.

& I have limited vocab. Awesome(:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't wanna think,

;in actual fact, never thought of it before.

Heyy, here for a short short update!(:
Hmmm, first and foremost,

Really relief that we won.(:
All the best best best for the next three uh!<3
There's another match tomorrow, it's a home match(:
Hope they do awesomefully well(:



Please support support okay?!

Tomorrow is gonna suck hell load, for the GP part.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stepping in, stepping out;

it just does not make sense at all.

Heyyy, although I think you'll never read this post, but I shall still do a dedication. :D
First and foremost, thank you.
And I really mean it with all my heart.
For all these years, from Primary 1 till JC 1, how long has it been?
A decade, and even more.
After many "mental & physical torture" I need to admit I've become stronger.
Without you, I don't think I'll ever make it pass O levels with good grades.( I guess? )
To think I'm in AJC now, the top mugger school in Singapore.
But you know I'm not a mugger, yet you put me in that school, you good.
Nevertheless, thank you for guiding me all these years(:
Quarrels, fights, cold war, laughter, shopping sprees, maths questions, drama series, stupid things.
You were more like a sister to me than an aunt.
& I hope you'll be healthy always (although you and I know it's hard -.-)
& Live long long ah! Then when I grow up I can set up a DVD rental shop just for you! (^.^V)


Meiying, Wanyi, yy : Thanks for the hugs!(: Yay, I'm alright nowwwwww! You three must be happy too okay? :D FIGHTING!(^.^V)

Meiying: Removed liao. :D You very mafan leh, only click one time like want your life like that! (:

Wanyi: HAHAH! I can bet you sure will sleep during lectures! COMFIRM CHOP CHOP!(: & No one flad my blog lah, I put it myself. CONTENT WARNING!! <3

Hey readers!♥
I sort of disappeared for 5 days. Is it? Yeah, I guess it is. (:
Cause ah, I really very very busy ah! (I'm lying. It's just the laziness. & don't ask me to DIEEEEE.)
Many things happened ah, I continued to screw up some of my life, & of course had fun. :D
A divisions are starting soon! All the best to people who are playing!

I don't know what to say.
I'm gonna go to the central library with dearest later,
hopefully can get some work done(:
& WHAT?! Today is sunday already?! 
I haven got my bag yet, man, this sucks big time!
Maybe I shall get it later when I go out!(:

Wanyi & Meiying started school already(:
All the best to you two!♥

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Huddled in a corner, drawing legs to chest.

Process of growing up. 
Thanks dear, at least I didn't lose you while I grow up. :D

Thank you.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tags replies.

Dennis: Ah, I don't know her in person, I just know her(: Hahah, it just takes some inferential skills to know(: Tell me why I'm not suprised that you'll drag? :D Cause I do that too!(:

janelle<3: Thanks girl!(: Must I tag at your blog too? BUT YOU DON'T REPLY!

yy: Thanks stoner!(: Yes, I'll go rest soon, you keep nagging leh. Machiam auntie liao loh. :D

Huiyan: HAHAHAH! Cause you really damm funny lah! Go take the beakers and smell! Plus the solutions is like all weird weird colors one cannn? :D

I always happen to think too much, but this time, is it really;

Am I finally not thinking too much? This time, I rather be thinking too much.
Let it go, let it all go.

Heyyy, not feeling too good now.
One of the reason is because of that stupid allergy at my lips there.
Stupid cucumber, screw mayo. Of all things, I'm allergic to both of you.
Another is because I'm feel ill, fever maybe.
Last, meh, shall not say it here(:

Can someone please give me a BIG HUG & tell me everything is gonna be okay cause you're here with me, so I should stop being so silly to keep thinking so much?

I really need it.

Didn't fall asleep in any tutorials or lecture today! :D

My body just does not function the normal way.(:

GP cher was in a good mood today, rare.
So didn't get scolded for not finishing the work. Awesome(:
Geography was kinda boring, haven been following up the lecture notes,
so I kinda can't get what the teacher is driving at.
Kinda cleared everything by the end of lecture(:
Had PW, man, writing the PI is so bothersome.
Next friday is the due date for the first draft & I haven got any idea what to write.
Ah, it's okay, I'll spend every freaking spare time I have tomorrow to think.
Went home, bath, met up with dennis for study session.
Emm, halfway, he needa go friend's house, so both of us left.
At least I did revise my econs(:
Came home, slept like a pig, was reluctant to get out of bed for guitar.
But in the end I did lah(:

That sort of sums up my day(:

& My wound is still hurting, wonder when I will stop having these stupid allergy thingy.
I don't know who to turn to. I feel irritated at myself. If only I don't think that much.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One coin, two faces;

just like you.

Life's getting more & more pleasant(:

I & E day. Don't ask me what it stands for, I still can't remember. :D
Had an awesome time with 34/10! <3

Chemistry lab 2.
First, there are 3 beakers on the bench, then my small group had to like figure out which one of them is the lemon juice and write some secret stuff on the BIG filter paper. :D
It's pure dumb cause huiyan just took all the beakers up and smelt all of them.
Easy to identify(:
& it's super obvious that all of us are ARTS STREAM students because all the groups did the same thing.
And one of the important rules in the chemistry lab is, DO NOT SMELL ANY UNKNOWN CHEMICALS.
Don't look at me, I flunk my sciences, I just happened to remember this rule. (:
Did some class decorations for our homeroom(:
34/10 is uber uber cool(:

Maths.Did some decoding & encoding stuffs used by Julius Caesar in the past.
The only thing I remembered about him is he kena stab a lot of times. :D Heh.
Miss Seeto, fail. :D

Chinese.Okay, this station, urh, we're suppose to guess light riddles?! (Direct translation from chinese.)
Hahah, yes, it was very fun, with 34/10!(:
Complied all our answers together & got a pen! YAY! (okay...)

General paper.
This is the most awesome one lah.
The whole audi applauded for our class cause we were late.
Heheh, basically, we watch a super retarded & funny clip.
& we were suppose to think about why we laugh at some parts of the clip.

Had hotdog bun for lunch(:
Then then then then then then then then WENT FOR TENNIS! YAY! (^.^V)
It didn't rain today, although it looked like it was suppose to. :D
Friendly w/ NYJC on friday.
Coach says just relax & go there and play.
Okay, I'll try. -.-
Anyway, thanks Radhe today! My lovely doubles partner!<3
Playing with you is just so awesome.(:

I'm happy today. before i went home.

Monday, April 5, 2010

When times are low, when you've no where to go;

don't look around you, look beside you.
(If I don't make sense to you, it's alright(: )

Hey taggers! Sorry for not replying!(: Shall do it now okayyyy? :D

yy: Hahah, thanks for the tag girl!(: YO YO YO! LALA LILI LOWWW!

SuMei: don't want, lazy, type link out then I relinkkkk(: What about DBSK? o.o

Eleanor: I may start having guitar on sunday instead, timing clashes head on. & I MISS YOU TOO! + you're not awesome at all lorh! HAHAHA, JK. :D Love you!

Jo: Hello kor!(: Realised I haven linkk you, sorry leh, LAZYYY(: Thanks for tagging anyway!!!<3

Pearlyn: Hahah, HELLO! Yupps, you leh? o.o


n[: : Nicole love, how can I ever not know? :D

Dennis:  HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Since siew kang linked me, I shall link you too(: & lucky others, they get linked too. -.-

Celest:  HAHAH! HOW CAN I EVER FORGET?! Hahah, I was in a rush mahh(:

Peilin: Hello!:D Hahah, cause JC life SUCKS ANY KIND OF BALLS!(:

No updates for today.(:

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Before I forget, 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Eunhyuk Lee Hyuk-jae!  
English translation of something he said:
Child:" Oppa, who do you think is the most handsome in SJ?"
*child stuns cause she likes kangin a lot*
Child:" Then who is the best singer."
Eunhyuk: with an apologetic face "Oppa is a rapper, when it comes to singing, I'm one of the last few."

I love the way you dance and rap.
Taking the stage and giving up your soul to your audience.
Cause not all singers can rap.