
Friday, April 9, 2010

I always happen to think too much, but this time, is it really;

Am I finally not thinking too much? This time, I rather be thinking too much.
Let it go, let it all go.

Heyyy, not feeling too good now.
One of the reason is because of that stupid allergy at my lips there.
Stupid cucumber, screw mayo. Of all things, I'm allergic to both of you.
Another is because I'm feel ill, fever maybe.
Last, meh, shall not say it here(:

Can someone please give me a BIG HUG & tell me everything is gonna be okay cause you're here with me, so I should stop being so silly to keep thinking so much?

I really need it.

Didn't fall asleep in any tutorials or lecture today! :D

My body just does not function the normal way.(:

GP cher was in a good mood today, rare.
So didn't get scolded for not finishing the work. Awesome(:
Geography was kinda boring, haven been following up the lecture notes,
so I kinda can't get what the teacher is driving at.
Kinda cleared everything by the end of lecture(:
Had PW, man, writing the PI is so bothersome.
Next friday is the due date for the first draft & I haven got any idea what to write.
Ah, it's okay, I'll spend every freaking spare time I have tomorrow to think.
Went home, bath, met up with dennis for study session.
Emm, halfway, he needa go friend's house, so both of us left.
At least I did revise my econs(:
Came home, slept like a pig, was reluctant to get out of bed for guitar.
But in the end I did lah(:

That sort of sums up my day(:

& My wound is still hurting, wonder when I will stop having these stupid allergy thingy.
I don't know who to turn to. I feel irritated at myself. If only I don't think that much.