
Thursday, March 7, 2013


So that day me and Z were talking casually about random stuff when we realized that it will be exactly 400 days on 06/03/2013 since we were together. Well actually Z thought it was 07 so below is a screenshot of a website I used to calculate the days. Not that we celebrate every 100 200 300 and 400 days, it was pure randomness okay. Don't judge! Don't judge! How time flies huh. :)

Well, sometime back we actually had steamboat together, yes 2 people only and it was so awesome I swear steamboat with little people is the best because you can always reach the boat. Maximum number of people for steamboat should be 6 so that everyone can reach the boat. I just think that being able to reach the boat is the number one most importantly factor to enjoying steamboat. Agree? 

Aiya you people sure say I weird one lor but if you think more you'll understand how I feel. ANYWAY, this is the first time I eat steamboat with this very interesting sauce like you can dip the crabstick into the sauce and eat one. I have no idea what is it cause Z bought it. If you got chance to eat boat with me then I'll introduce it to you hahaha. I've been eating steamboat with soy sauce and cut chilli for my entire life so that was definitely something new. It was really nice so yumyum! :)

Oh yeah the food was too much for us to finish, so we end up lile eating buffet like that the tummy gonna burst already still must continue to chiong and stuff. Actually everything pour half packet out already enough. Except for the veggie, I ate the whole what do you call that, the whole thing. Not enough one lor. I like to boil it until very long then after that put soy sauce and chilli wah damn shiok.

But we're really healthy people we don't just eat okay, we got go exercise one, like pulau ubin lor! Nah proof! We walked all the way to the wetlands only to find out that it's high tide so cannot see anything at all omg hahaha, I fail as a geog student lah. But we did see mudskippers though and fish. :3

We walked all the way there by foot okay, it was damn tiring, definitely riding bicycle there. But the walk there was hilarious cause Z kept freaking out at random objects and I was freaking scared of the boar and dragonflies. But we were smart to hitch a ride back to the jetty there, so on the way back we actually stopped by this really beautiful place below.

The photo does not do justice to the beauty of that landscape. The water is just so gorgeous and the trees are so pretty and the whole place is just wonderful and the air is so good, omg. It's just really awesome that such places still exist you know although it's not really in Singapore itself but still, it belongs to us. Hopefully no one will ever ever destroy this.

Oh yeah, I did something really wild to my hair! I dyed it red! Like finally. To me it wasn't very siao, but for a first color is was hahaha, despite all that, I freaking love it. So I went home with this hair and kena scolding. My mum went on about how ugly the hair color was and how harmful the dye was to my hair. Then she ask me next day go dye it black again. Yes folks, that's why my hair looks dyed but it's still quite black. It's okay ya know, I had that hair for like one day, and I took some shitty pictures.

When I go UK I sure go back to this siao color one lor, cause when it fades away it gives you a very very nice brown too so it's like getting 2 colors. But maybe next time when I dye it would be just highlights cause it's really damaging to your hair. Now I have to use conditioner every single time I wash my hair. Is it cause I dyed it twice in less than 24 hours? Oh blah, who cares. ;)

Z brought me to this place for our 1st Anniversary dinner, it's located at Bishan Park there. The whole setting of that place is very peaceful and romantic and the food there also not bad. Just that a bit pricey. But for special occasions, it's worth every dollar. (Btw there's something moving behind me now I'm freaking scared cause it's 2am so I hope it's my stupid fat lizard if not I'm so dead)

This is the crab linguine. Super yummy. 10/10 I might go back just to eat it again.

This is Z's. The display not very good but the chicken not bad ley. ;)

We went there when there was still light so we can actually see while we ate, cause when the night falls it's quite dark cause it's suppose to be romantic and also it has a joint bar. But we feel that if you cannot see anything while you eat also a bit meh. Depends lah, if you like to dine in the dark then you go about 8 like that lor confirm no light one. Got this artificial flame though but cannot see anything. It's all down to personal preference.

Look at our watches hahaha.

Look at Andy and Z being uncooperative  I keep saying look leh look leh. But they look everywhere besides into my camera. SEE WHAT YOU GET FOR DISOBEYING ME? UNGLAM PICTURES.

 Went to bugis street to see walk look, then Z saw the pink color thing very cute so he bought it for me hahaha! He said it looks good on me. Actually I think so too, just a bit AA and my mum says it looks like some anime cafe girl wear one. I don't know what she talking about it. But I think like still can pull this look off, yes no yes no?


This place is call Monster Curry somewhere in ION I think. The curry was not very monsterish but the plate is. It's freaking big you see the picture, big not? Big also no use everything else in the plate is like standard size. Not bad ah this small restaurant, food is good and not very expensive also for restaurants in ION.

That's all the updates for now I guess. I still have so many pictures about so many things happening around me cause my life so interesting plus I need to stop procrastinating and get a job but the lazy bug in me always takes over. Blame it on the lazy bug~

Life's good, really good.