
Monday, May 30, 2011


Chilling out with Claire and Lina @ Starbucks! :D
Got my starbucks card woohoo! <3

Omg, I've been holding in for a long time I have to say this:

I feel better now.

Yes, I'm still sleepy.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I am suppose to be studying now, but heck.
I'm gonna stay up tonight to finish EMD.
I must finish EMD by tonight if not I will not be able to sleep in peace.
Gotta say byebye to GPA 4.0 for mid-sem test next week.
There is no way to finish everything before Monday and ace everything.
Fine, I'm not a chao mugger that mugs every single day, that's why.
I'm not smart either, that's why also I guess.

Why can't our mid-sem test be after June Holidays?
At least there's time to study LAW. Damn it.
I know I'm suppose to be studying LAW instead of whining here but you know,
others tell me good what before June holidays then can enjoy holidays.
Yeah, I'll be telling you the same thing if your test is before holidays and mine is after.
Plus I won't be having much of a holiday thanks to Events experience, EMD and tennis training! :D

School has been awesome though. Like really awesome! <3
With training and lessons and random meetings with old friends. Hee.
Life has never been better. (:

You know what? I'm finally gonna shower. *grins to myself*
I need to be in the Top 7. I so badly want to be in the Top 7 if not Top 10. I want to improve. To become stronger, faster, slimmer, faster, stronger, faster, stronger.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I bleed red.

The only reason why I'm blogging now is I have nothing better to do EXCEPT,
to study and do my proposal.
I'm gonna come up with ONE excuse to why I am not doing so.
Because my neck freaking hurts!
I think I didn't sleep well last night blah blah blah.
Okay I feel like breaking my own neck now.

I have no idea why towels are always mine.

Black towels
Blue Towels

Green Towels
Orange Towels
Purple Towels
Red Towels

White Towels
Yellow Towels

FUCK YEAH. *punches the wall*

Oh hi.

Let me tell you about my awesome friends.
They are crazy that's for sure, hahaha.
But they are not just my friends, they are my team mates also.
Those few that fought with me on court, outside the fence,
gritted teeth with me through physical training.
& my greatest regret will be not going for A divs with them.
The only thing I could do for them is to be with them for as many matches as possible. :x

 I love it when they do stupid things. (:

To this girl who put up a great fight with injured wrist and ankles. <3
Thu Hang, I love you! <3

Don't ask me what they are doing cause I have no idea also.
These two, although they are always in their own dreamland,
I know they have always want to improve.
Let's play tennis again both of you! *knocks knocks*

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Times when you just can't control your feelings.

I have no idea what's wrong with me.
Yeah, I'm feeling kinda high & kinda down at the same time.
Omg, my class is going crazy now.
But I'm like BLUR about what they are actually doing.

Just received my proposal draft back,
comments weren't as bad as I expected.
Yeah, that's a plus point.

Oh, I think I found out that I'm a really possessive person.
Sometimes I just wanna do THIS *points below*

to you know you know.
Okay I'm not making sense I know I know.

No, I'm not crazy. Yes, I'm having a mood swing.

Sometimes I really hate being a girl.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Messing with my heart, flipping it round & round. Who do you think you are?

So, I'm sitting in COLOURS with my awesome and crazy classmates typing this out. (:

An update about my poly life.
Poly is awesome, probably the best thing that has ever happened in my life. (:
Just completed like 1 presentation and 1 group tutorials.
Still have a stupid proposal hot on my ass.
Ask me ask me!
Am I stressed up? Hell yeah.
But am I loving it? You bet. (:

I think I will love my 3 years here.

Who knows, I might be ranting on my blog here like 2-3 weeks later,
whining about how projects and exams are killing me.

Somehow I'm sure that, 3 years later, when it's finally time to graduate with awesome results,
I'll be like "Damn it, I don't wanna go."

Alright, that Linna is like "You wanna go?" with that face of hers!
Hahaha! Goodbye readers! :D

Sunday, May 1, 2011

So I opened blogger.
Here I am staring at this white blank box.
Honestly, it's not I don't know what to blog about.
I'm just too lazy to blog. :x

Draft saved at 9:50pm and now it's like 12:45am.
A brand new day and my lazyness is IMBA.

I need sleep.