
Monday, May 27, 2013

Supper @ Spize

Impromptu supper at Spize with Z on Sunday after his work! Wasn't exactly where we planned to eat, but oh well, we ended up at a really good place for supper! ;)

Unguarded Z.

After he realized I was taking a picture of him. In normal situations, the pictures would be reversed but well...  okaynevermind.

 Ordered black pepper beef hor fun and Z got their Special Roti John with mutton! The roti john was awesome because the mutton totally don't have the mutton taste! Mixed with mushroom and it was yumyumyummmmm! My beef horfun was not too bad, except that the beef was a little bit overcooked!

Their satay was good, but I don't fancy the sauce. 
Nahs never fancy satay sauce but Z said that it was good, so I suppose, it's good?

Impulse order: Cheese Fries
We only ordered this because we saw the waiter walk pass us with that and we were like "WOOOOOOOW" it looks so damn good so we just ordered it. Couldn't finish this in the end because we were both sooo full from our main course.


Supper and road trips with Z are always fun and spontaneous. I suppose it's cool because I plan stuff too much so I get kinda uncomfortable when things don't go according to 'the plan'. Ever since I got together with Z so many things have been 'off plan' and somehow I just got out of my comfort zone and go with the flow. Sometimes, spontaneous is not that bad. ;)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Final Lap.


Hopefully I get either one of my choices because if I randomly get posted to that PR company, I can say hello to hell for like 6 months okay. OKAY CALM YOURSELF GIRL. Don't think about it because it will happen it you think too much it's that scary okay.

Yes that's all.

Blink Blink.

When you wake up some mornings and don't feel good about yourself, when your mirror reflection just makes you beat yourself up even more, it's okay. When you step on the weighing scale and the numbers are not desirable, just so you know, it's alright too. When you watch someone you love, love another, no it's not fine, but it will be. When you're so upset and frustrated with someone but you don't know what to say, when you're misunderstood and never given the chance to clear things up. When you see someone absolutely gorgeous and you're standing there like, yeah. When nothing seems to be on the right track. Don't we all have those days?

No I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about everyone in general.

It gets better, it really does.

Friday, May 10, 2013

On the phone, get scolded by boyfriend. (Although I also got scold him)
Put down phone, get scolded by parents. (Mai siao I don't there scold back one) 
My whole life just about getting scolded. And I'm gonna regret sleeping this late tomorrow morning. But I don't regret the conversation we had. At least I'm not going to sleep sad and crying. Tomorrow still got tutorial magawd. Ciaos!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Today God wants you to know that you can let yourself be happier.

Happiness is a choice, although often it might seem otherwise. And it starts small.
Today do something that makes you feel happy, and tell your friends about it.
They say laughter is the best medicine.

Miracle potion do your wonders.


What a coax. Pfft.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Welcome another new month.

A few days ago I was still dying for April to come to an end ASAP. Right now with the kind of opening May gave me, all I can say now is, "it'll get better.". On this fateful day, I damaged my phone for the first time ever. OMG, NEVER FELT SO EMPTY AND HELPLESS BEFORE. I LOVE MY PHONE AND I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT. Gonna get it fixed tomorrow early in the morning with Z, and hopefully by night time I can get it back D: The worse part is that my phone is now entirely blue screen, so it still vibrates with notifications and stuff, but I cannot read it. It really kills me hahaha, why don't my phone vibrate as much on normal days?! But it's okay because the repair fee is not gonna be very expensive hahaha~

There are many things I wanna say to you, but I don't know how to put them in visual words, so I'm just gonna keep them in my heart. You just need to know, and I think you already know, that I love you as much as the first day we got together. Happy 15th. :)