
Monday, October 22, 2012

I like being around you.

This is the man I'm gonna live with for the rest of my life.
And I can't wait. ♡

Latst weekend was the best I ever had. My parents were in JB so I kinda had a lot of freedom, with their permission of course! So I slacked my whole day away and went for ajtennis gathering @ sebas house on Saturday night. Really enjoyed myself there although I was rather reluctant to go at first because of the rain and well, laziness. But I guess everything paid off. (: Caught up with them and it's like living the fun part of JC all over again! Caught a cab home with Jenn and there goes our money! *heartpain*

Was suppose to go for supper that night but let's put it this way, "Terry fell asleep." so the plan was cancelled. But Z still came over to my house for a mini sleepover. (: Met him at the void deck after I came home and I secretly thinks that grandma and aunt likes him a lot hahaha! Watched a movie together, poked fun at each other and purposely make each other really annoyed and then laugh about it. I know we're so childish but hey, cheap thrills man. Decided to go to sleep at around 3 but Z kept complaining it was too hot (HEY I WAS COLD OKAY), and the next morning he was actually all wrapped up in the blanket. *PUNCH*

Woke up super early the next morning because it was too cold to sleep, and decided to order mac breakfast for whoever was at home. Actually I was craving for macbreakie but I was too lazy to walk all the way to BPP and buy that's why. So, I didn't want to order too early in case the food becomes cold so I asked Z if he wanna eat. Or somewhere along those line. :3

Me: Order now ah?
Z: Yes can can. *plops back into bed*
Me: *ordered* (half an hour later) *food came, unpacked all the food went to ask Z to eat* Hey, the food come already can eat liao. (expected him to wake up and nomzx, INSTEAD...)
Z: -silence- *SUDDENLY SNORES*

GREAT. First time I ask someone a question and he actually snored as a reply. (it's cute) but yeah. Oh wells, the day went by really fast and really well. :) Watched another movie together again before heading out to buy lunch, and then downloaded another movie again! Good times have to end eventually rights? So after a really filling meal treated by my aunt, Z left to go home. :( and life became normal again.

Oh no, the monday blues are kicking in and I'm thinking about the tutorials I have to do and how my teacher haven respond to our group's final report yet. This week is gonna be hectic so I'm really glad I spent my weekends well and I'm really grateful for the person who spent it with me. Gotta get to sleep now, morning lessons. Goodnight. :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

原來一世聰明, 為你變傻.

Somethings just have to be done. Even if you hate it, detest it, abhor it, you'll have to grit your teeth and do it. 
I guess "need" is a stronger word than "must".

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fast forward please.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Sleepless night for the Nth time.

I miss you so much.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Chirpy chirpy cheep cheep!

So after a very long time of talking about, Z finally took me to the bird park after I got home from Australia! Heh, I was so excited about going there because the last time I did was a very long long long long time ago. :3 Anyways, I kinda found a new thing they have at the birdpark which I do not remembering visit when I was in primary schools, you know, we have birdpark visits EVERY YEAR. I have no idea what's wrong with them. So, there's this place showing the incubators of the eggs and the little cheep cheeps that have just hatched! ^^ Omg they are so cute and some are so small you can't even see them properly!

 See so cute! 

 It's feathers are already almost all grown but it still can't walk properly! Which sets me wondering how they survive in the wild. :x
 Stupid penguins doing nothing. 

 We bought the unlimited dory feeding ticket so we could feed so many times! They are so aggressive like they never eat for years and they will just attack the cup. At first I was so scared and frighten, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT FLEW ONTO MY HEAD. But then after a while, it got okay. (:

 Hi ;) 

 Had bongo burgers for lunch! (Yummy)
 This is Z's beef burger~
 And my chicken burger nomx nomx nomx~
Before the bird show, got to see beautiful hawks and owls omg owls are gorgeous. D: I wish I could keep an owl as a pet, but they would be much happier flying in the wild won't they? SO CUTE.


Went back for a second round of dory feeding cause we're fun just like that hahaha, see what I mean by "they'll attack"?! Somehow they keep flying onto Z's shoulders and head. Maybe it's because he's tall and it's like the optimal landing height or something. OR MAYBE HIS HEAD LOOK LIKE NEST. Also their claw hurts a little ya know? D: They kinda left red scratches (while fighting) on my arm, huhu! But it was fun hahaha, in the end I was so addicted I tried to make them fight. ^^ (SHH)

The man-made waterfall!

Beautiful aren't they? (:

Z's crazy about this bird. It's a Toucan with a hollow beak, which makes me squirm whenever it snaps it's beak together cause it produced this uncomfortable sound and ugghhh, but Z likes it so we sat in front of it's enclosure for the longest time possible admiring them. Blu.

Tried to camwhore but my front camera decided to lag. So while trying to figure out what was going on, the stupid lag decided to stop and THAT was captured. Pretty no?

I tried to post yesterday night but apparently my photos can't rotate and stuff so they stay in the same direction which they were taken. Like that photo above, SIGH. Got sooooo pissed ya know?! *BISH* It's still happening then bobian lo, I'm just gonna leave it. So the main point is, it's a beautiful smile isn't it? HEHEHEHE SAY YES.

To end the day, Z brought me to this lantern festival thing at Chinese Garden which is soooo pretty. All the lights and lanterns so nicely decorated, oooo they even gave us our own paper lanterns hahaha the candle burning smell smelt so familiar. :') It's always fun when I'm out with him. <3 p="p">

Went to work with parents today in a really foul mood because I really didn't want to go, plus I couldn't sleep so my mood really sucked. But, the work was just admin stuff and it wasn't that bad. Oh look! It's time for me to go swimming again. Really lazy to drag myself all the way to the pool, but once I get into the water it's a totally different thing. Although my back really hurts like !@#$%^&* now, they say it's because my swimming position is wrong. It's either my head is too high or my legs are sinking. D: I DON'T KNOW, never had this problem before until now! And I'll blog about Australia soon, although most of you guys reading this blog have seen all the pictures already. Cheers you guys! <3 p="p">


I miss Z, I miss him so much I can feel my energy level dipping, no, plunging as days goes by.

I'm so glad that I'm spending more time with the girls, meeting Claire (although it was a need), meeting up with yihan for 3 days and a day at the beach with Meiying & Wanyi. I'm excited about all these girly activities that are coming up! ^^ I truly am.

Also I get to spend a lot of alone time, going swimming although it gives me a very nasty backache, lazing in bed, and being at home majority of the time (which my parents as usual, can't appreciate anything that I do, so don't expect them to realize that I've been making an effort to be at home and not shopping all day.)

Wanted to post about Australia and the stuff after it but blogger gave me a HUGE problem so I had to scrape it. Wanted to upload photos too Facebook but it gave me problems too! So neh minds lo, go to bed and lie down! :3

But when the night gets colder and quieter I just can't get my head off Z. I'm sorry baby, I know you believe that I can function even when you're not there. I guess you're expecting that out of me because you're able to do the same. But I can't. And the worst thing is I don't have smellylove!! D: *humphs* In the day when everything's busy and alive it's still normal like but when it gets dark, hohoho. After all, I guess I'm still a girl. (:

But I'll be okay, one more week to go.
Shall go sleep now because I'll have to wake up at 7:30 to go work for my mum. Sigh. FML.