
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Greatest gift.

Hello everyone, that guy in all these pictures is my boyfriend and I love him to death. He is the only one who would put up with my moodswings, my unreasonable demands, my whines and my crazyness. Ohoh, and the density of my brain. I'm slow and dense and stupid and he is the only person who will not burst a vessel while talking to me. Okay maybe he does, but he still loves me anyway. *BLEAH* He is the only person in the whole of this planet Earth who can love me with all he have, with all he can. Although sometimes he makes me really pissed off, he makes me really really mad, he makes me upset and sulky and I don't wanna reply any of his whatsapp messages, but once the notification comes, I won't be able to resist. I love him THAT MUCH. And I'll continue to love him through the storm and the wind and the rainbows and the sunshine.

He makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. He makes me feel like I'm useful. I love putting a smile on his face cause it's just so genuine. Thank you for being there for all those laughter, all those tears. He saw something in me that no one else would. He accepted me at my very worse and he is definitely the only man in the entire universe who deserves me at my best. He is the one I can imagine living the rest of my life with. Through all the little fights, the lamest jokes ever, the heated arguments, the gross videos, the heartiest laughter, the saddest cries, and so much more, he completes me like how I complete him. 

I love you and only you.
"I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough. 
I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up."

Rough night.

Having some major cramps now, plus muscle ache and a messed up head.


  Periods, the bane of my existence. When you're on your period you feel like you've gained like 20kg or something, like all your clothes become so damn tight because you feel really really bloated. But no, you didn't gain weight, it's just because you're just on your period and you feel like AN ELEPHANT. How cool. We didn't ask for these, we didn't ask for moodwings too. One minute I feel like I'm in unicorn land with fluffy clouds and rainbow lollipops and the next minute is just like "I NEED TO CUT SOMEONE NOW!! IMMA CHOP YOU UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT." then the next minute it's like "I suck. I'm ugly and fat. I don't deserve to walk on Earth." and you start sobbing for no reason and only girls know how horrible it feels. Yes that's right. Boys might think that the cramps feel like their sports kinda cramp, it's nothing like it, it DOES NOT FEEL LIKE AN ANT BITE NOR DOES IT FEEL LIKE A CAR RAMMING INTO YOU. IT JUST FEELS LIKE SOME ASSHOLE STABBING YOUR ABDOMEN WITH AN ECHELON MPT. It's not one stab, not two, BUT 24-48 HOURS OF CONTINUOUS STABBING. And you know why we have cramps? Because it's to squeeeeze all the damn blood out from that fucking hole called the VAGINA WHICH ALL GUYS LOVEEEE. WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE IT'S ACHING DOWN THERE. What's gross is you can actually feel the blood coming out IT'S LIKE A FUCKING SLUG WRIGGLING AROUND YOUR VAGINA AND IT'S DAMN GROSS. When you sit down, the slug comes out, when you laugh, the slug says "SURPRISE!", when you sneeze or cough or shout you can feel that damn slug saying "HIE" IN YOUR VAGINA. Major hate.

I just want this week to be over so that I don't have to wake up everyday and look like that girl on top.


As relationships mature, things will definitely change. There's no relationship that doesn't change at all from the time they started out. Sweet nothings will slowly become nothing. Text replies will definitely lag. Conversations will end at the speed of light. Fights will become frequent. And on somedays they don't even speak. Because when two people get to comfortable with each other, they just stop trying as hard. I've seen too many relationships die this way, and I am seeing some dying now. Because when all these happens, one party will start to think that the other party doesn't not love him/her as much anymore, when in fact it's not true. Then you can imagine, there goes the ripple effect. I've seen so many relationships die this way, and I'm watching some dying now and it's so heartbreaking.
I don't know how guys feel about this, I don't even know if they do notice these kinda changes.

Girls, I guess we just gotta tolerate days when he's just not that into you because your boy over there has got the attention span of a child. And he does need his own time away from girls. But that doesn't mean he has gotten tired of you. It certainly does not mean that he has stopped loving you. It just means that he needs his guy time. I know it's hard because you want his guy time to be your time so you keep jumping up and down for attention but don't know to make him attracted to you and it makes you feel like crying balls but hey, he's so damn sweet at other times right? That should keep us going. Hang in there! (:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Eventually the fast text message responses will become slow. The long night conversations will be cut short. The undivided attention they once gave you will become neglected. The comfort they once provided you will become something awkward. The unlimited time they had for you will become non existent. And the feeling of being the center of their universe will become a distant memory of the past...
