
Friday, May 28, 2010

Sorry to those who've been visiting my blog for like a few times per day.
Hahah, really didn't have anything to blog about except for school.
& more school. So I rather I don't blog at all.

Anyway, june holidays are here! Does anyone have plans? :D
& maybe MUG. (kill me if you want)
No lah, if you guys know me well, do you think it's even possible? :D
I hope to shed a few more kilos this holiday. (My dream weight seems far~)

Gonna go arrange my files to revise more Mid-year common test already.
& iron those damm clothes.

Maybe things will get better when you're used to them.
Exactly 4 months already, 
cause things are taking too long, too long.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blogging with my phone!
Just finished lunch and waiting for the rest of the family to finish theirs!(:
Maybe I should blog more often like that(:
but can't insert picture. Huhu.

ELEANOR.T.R.Y says my blog is getting more and more boring.
Meh, sorry sexy, will try to blog about somethings non-school related more often okay?:D

this is something my mama told me over the breakfast(:
note: I'm not racist. Just giving more specific details.

Mom: You know my client, he has this Chinese employee which is in charge of buying material for him and this Indian stallman that is in charge of cutting the materials for him. So One fine day, this buyer bought a 6 feet long material. Then it was very hard for the material to get into the workshop for cutting. So the stallman feedback to the buyer.
He said:"Eh buyer, next time please don't order 6 feet material."
Buyer:"Okay okay."
So when it's time to order material again, guess what happened?

Me:"What? 0.0"

Mom:"The buyer bought 7 feet long of material instead. When the stallman saw the new material, he just stand inside the workshop and shake his head."

Me:"WALAO HOW CAN ANYONE BE SO STUPID?!?!?!" *laughs like mad*


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gonna EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW the hell outta you! :D

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Go Team AJ!(:
Heyyy people! Gonna update a little before going off to shower.
Was reading my blog stats when I realised there's still people coming in to read.
Especially from!
Alrighto, have been missing hell load of lessons these few weeks.
Especially econs tutorials and geog lectures.
Heard that the lecturer already finshed one set of notes.
And I don't even know what's going on. GG me.
& Econs homework are coming in, GP essays to write when I missed tutorials today.
Totally don't feel like doing any of them.
Anyway, is my blog getting more and more boring?
If so, please tell me on my taggyboardie!(:

Anyway, stayed back to do up the tennis notice board today!(:
Thanks for coming even though the match @ hwachong drained even the non playing members!
Although at the end of the day, everyone was like half-dead, but, I'm sure bonds were made stronger!(:
We're AWESOME! Where do you get such a bunch of committed people? :D

Last match @ SRJC tomorrow, all the best team(:
Played well, fought well, tried well.
Now's time to cross the finishing line.
I look up to all of you, seniors(:
Go Team AJ!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I tried to step the break, I tried to make a turn.
I tried but it all gets me back to you.
This feeling just grows ever more sinful.
People ask me why, but I've never ever answered them.
I don't know how to.

When it all goes out of control.

& it's time to work hard. Really.