
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blogging with my phone!
Just finished lunch and waiting for the rest of the family to finish theirs!(:
Maybe I should blog more often like that(:
but can't insert picture. Huhu.

ELEANOR.T.R.Y says my blog is getting more and more boring.
Meh, sorry sexy, will try to blog about somethings non-school related more often okay?:D

this is something my mama told me over the breakfast(:
note: I'm not racist. Just giving more specific details.

Mom: You know my client, he has this Chinese employee which is in charge of buying material for him and this Indian stallman that is in charge of cutting the materials for him. So One fine day, this buyer bought a 6 feet long material. Then it was very hard for the material to get into the workshop for cutting. So the stallman feedback to the buyer.
He said:"Eh buyer, next time please don't order 6 feet material."
Buyer:"Okay okay."
So when it's time to order material again, guess what happened?

Me:"What? 0.0"

Mom:"The buyer bought 7 feet long of material instead. When the stallman saw the new material, he just stand inside the workshop and shake his head."

Me:"WALAO HOW CAN ANYONE BE SO STUPID?!?!?!" *laughs like mad*
