
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Even if your hard work failed you time & time again;

still, have faith.(:

Hey hey hey!(:
I'm back to normal again, i guess.

Went to body worlds just now, it was an awesomeeee experience(:
The exhibits were super nice, & very very well made & preserved.
For those who went, you must have enjoyed it.
For those who didn't, it's okay, do go when they come here next time!:D
Went to visit Mr Ang, since we were already @ science center(:
Inside info tells me I should visit NYP more often after April, heh, I'm kidding(:

I did plenty of things this week, but i can't really remember them all, so i shall just list one memorable one.:D

I got blackmailed to do HIGH JUMP.
Yes yes, you must be wondering how the corpulent mess I am am going to jump over the rod.
Okay, I didn't even clear the minimum can?
1.06m i think. Don't laugh, cause radae & i-forgot-her-name DIDN'T CLEAR TOO.
& they are not corpulent messes. -.-
Instead, I got a few blueblacks here and there from ramming into the rod.
Eh, pain leh. T.T
According to the people who were watching me, i was CHARGING towards the rod.
I thought I looked like a rhinoceros.
Heh, the most epic jump came from radae. :D
She ran towards the rod, and dived into the mat behind the rod.
So she looked like she was a piece of meat hanging on the rod.

Okay, now for studies.
Ah, everything is not going very fine, I have to be truthful.
Okay, I admit that I'm lazy & stubborn that's why.
Mr Ang told me to endure, he told me I could do it.
Can I? Really? I guess I can do it(:
Gonna give some of my hard work already. :D
I pull through two freaking pure sciences.
I can do it.(:

People, you all have the old Yiyun back now. ♥

There's xiyao tomorrow, that fellow did't even text to ask about the study session,
so be it. So many people here to help him, none of our help he accepts.
I feel like crying, not for a sad reason. But because I can't do what I can to help him.
You need self-initiative also. I'm sorry for not pushing you. 
Please come to see that so many people wants to help you.