
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dear John,

It's almost half a year into poly life, and I'm enjoying every bit of it.
All the laughter, jokes, stress and weird friends I made along the way.
Up till now, so far so damn awesome! (:

With these my first formal presentation comes to end, 
was really happy with my own performance and THANKGODFORBLESSINGME,
my results was awesome. (:

This year's POL-LITE was awesome, it's kinda sad that it has come to an end.
The grueling intensive training, the scoldings and nagging and motivating, has finally paid off. 
We tried out best, we gave our all and we'll be back stronger next year. (:
To the year 3s that will be leaving the school, I'll miss you people so much! :'(
Please come support us next year! <3 

Man, I really really love my team. <3
It's my first year through POL-LITE as a representing SP, 
and I will work harder to continue to represent SP for year 2 and year 3.

Things are getting competitive and I'm hahaha, afraid?
But it's okay, I'll fight harder become stronger and better and faster and slimmer.
Yeapps, I plan to hit 5X by the end of this year.
Hopefully, hopefully, mid-end of October. Should be can lah horh? :D

Should run along and bath then start revision again!
Goodnight people! <3

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Integrated Hemisphere Dominance

Something interesting. I did this "Are you left/right-brained?" quiz thingy.

Results came back neither left nor right, I was like -.- when I saw it
but then somehow the explanation made some sense. (:

Here it is:

You have what is known as a Golden Brain:
You have strong qualities from either hemisphere.
You can see the whole picture when processing information but can as well pay attention to details.
You like organizing your schedule, but enjoy too being spontaneous and changing it whenever you feel like it.
You are good at endavours that require language, math, reasoning and analizing, but also have a special feeling for the arts and music.
You use your reasoning abilities, but you also follow your gut: having a golden brain is a great recipe for success in business.
Keep it up! (I have no idea what the keep it up is for.)

I'll tell you what made sense.

"You have strong qualities from either hemisphere."
This is coated with icing and a cherry on top. It just means "Brain cannot be detected. Probably got meshed up somehow". Tada.

"You can see the whole picture when processing information but can as well pay attention to details."
Sounds like some mental illness to me.

"You like organizing your schedule, but enjoy too being spontaneous and changing it whenever you feel like it."
This is very very very very very true.

"You are good at endavours that require language, math, reasoning and analizing, but also have a special feeling for the arts and music."
Notice that they didn't include science? Language and math only.

"You use your reasoning abilities, but you also follow your gut: having a golden brain is a great recipe for success in business."
I use my reasoning abilities to bullshit and argue my way out of trouble and straight away landing into another trouble and bullshitting out of it again. You know, the cycle goes on.
Yeah, I follow my gut feelings, like who doesn't. At times when life's at stake you just have to.
Most of the time I'm just too lazy to reason and analyze so "ANYTHING UH".
The business thing. It's kinda true. My parents & clients keep telling me my brains and mouth (the quiz didn't say what kind of mouth I have though) should go do business. Currently not interested though.

"Keep it up!"
You guys should have seen my face when I read that. I felt my face scrunching up
and muttered :"Ar? Keep it up? Siao ah?"

Interesting? Go download the app for any iPhone/Touch/Pad/Whateverdevicethereis !
"Are you left-brained or right-brained?"
Then maybe you can share your results with me @ my shoutbox. ^__^
