
Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year. New Beginnings. New possibilities.


How's the first day of the year going for everyone?
Well, be it good or bad, we still have a long long year to walk through,
and before you know it, we'll be done with 2011 too! ^.^

Firstly, I would like to say THANK YOU to all my friends that were my life in 2010,
making that year such an awesome year!
It has been tough trying to get used to JC life,
and without them, I would not have survived.
Old friends, new friends, thank you for giving me support & love throughout 2010.
We'll live 2011 well. ^.^v
For those taking A levels this year, ALL THE BEST! HUAT AH!
For those moving on to year 2, JIAYOU YOU'LL BE HALFWAY THROUGH SOON! ^.^
Okay just kidding. Work hard & all the best for GPAs!
For those in the 'other' category, KEEP FIGHTING & NEVER GIVE UP! 

Secondly, I would like to say thank you to my idols, 동방신기 & UKISS!

I can say that whenever I feel sad, down, depressed, dejected,
I can always turn to their music & recover.
Especially with the encouragement from their twitter,
it makes it even close to the heart.
Although it's a general encouragement to millions of fans out there,
but sometimes, when you're really in a bad shape,
their messages really works like wonders.
Like you know, someone out there has got your back.
That's why idols are hard to be, they've many back to support, including their own. (:

Alrighto, to end off, once again, 
May everyone complete their new year resolutions!