
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The color of deception. I call it gray.

No, people don't change. Environment does.

I found that above picture from one of my friend's blog and started to ponder over it.
I could actually write a whole essay on it while beating around the bush. A little.
However, I have no time and no energy which is the main factor actually, and thus,
I'm not going to bore anyone that actually still reads my blog with my 'essay'.

We always talk about people changing.
Yeah they do, we do.
Because we move on, in different phases of life.
Having different experiences that causes us to have changed in the eyes of others that were there during your previous phase or phases of life.
Take students for example, moving on from secondary to tertiary education,
we change according to our new environment.
Or more specifically, we change to suit our environment, to blend in.

I call that animal instincts.
You may argue, what for change to suit the environment?
Why do you need to blend in?
Why don't you just remain yourself?
Why do you have to change yourself for others?
It all boils down to survival. Of what degree, it differs for everyone I guess.

Now think.
When we've run out of topics with our best friends, is it really the human factor?
Or is it actually the environmental factor?

Ah, now we see, the gray gray world.