
Sunday, January 24, 2010

If you want the rainbow, you've gotta endure the storm.

Hello! :D Finally back after a long long break!
A summary of what has been happening in my life for these few days.

22/01/10 (Friday):
Went to town with Meiying, Wanyi, Peilin, Qianhui & Marilyn.
Had Tori-Q for lunch, yummy!
Walked until my legs nearly pija(break), but I had loads of fun with them!
We should go out again next time! ^.^
Didn't buy anything cause I was & still am BROKE.
I wonder where did all my money fly to.
Oh oh! There are many many pretty earrings @ far east.
But I had to control myself from buying them, cause as mentioned above, I'm broke.
Unless I'm Chuck Bass's Blair Waldorf, then I could like TAKE his card to slash slash slash. ^.^
- Inside yiyun's head -
Yiyun 1: *giggles like a mad woman*
Yiyun 2 snaps: I know what you're thinking woman, not even in your dreams.
Yiyun 1: *stops giggling, looks at yiyun 1, breaks down & cry*

Had dinner with Huining(Hwee Neng), Timotheus(Terry) & Jinhan(Chee Tat) @ Bukit Timah Plaza.
OMG, that Chee Tat didn't change at all can?
She still ties her hair in THAT manner, but she's grown to be more timid.
She says that it's not, but she gets FREAK OUT uber easily. -.-
Readers, judge. (Just ignore whatever protest chee tat has alright?)
Worse, she laughs & talk a lot also, not that it's bad...
My puny & rusty brain is too slow to keep processing what she was saying to think of something to say.
In the end, I became the quiet one. RARE, I KNOW.
Stupid chee tat, must faster get my brains working again.

Terry totally gave me the shock of my life.
His voice break until...anyway, he's grown up already.
My god, he's like how many CM taller than me already lo,
I look at him need to lift my head already!
One more thing, why do some people around me eat like hell, but don't grow fat at all?
Terry Yong is one example.
Argue it with puberty, but it has been like FOUR years?!
4 years of binge eating w/o exercise, unless you do call blowing the Saxaphone a form of it.

I've no comments with Hwee Neng, since I've been seeing her every sunday a few years back.
But that woman is really darn slow.
She lives ABOVE bukit timah plaza, but she's the last to arrive.
& We nearly decided to go to town so that she'll be like
:" OMG, I'm not dressed properly for town!"
But we're not that bad right? ^.^

Walked to Udders after dinner for ice-cream & home.(:

Today, 24/01/10:
Went to xiyao as per normal, became spastic for the whole time.
Now, it's like the whole class knows that I've "something" for yunda.
Gosh, I gotta keep a LOW profile already.
Complications you see, *shakes head in delight*
( I must have looked retarded in your imagination for that expression)
Oh oh! Janelle gave me a TOHOSHINKI calender card today! ^.^
So shuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai! Thank you Janelle! <3

Went to Jurong point then homed.
Suppose to go over to tuition Yeu Chiann, but apparently the family is still out.
So I'll end up going there at night! ^.^
I shall go and do some online shopping & DBSKSUJU-ing :D