
Sunday, December 30, 2012

The beginning.

2012 went by so freaking fast, in less than 24 hours we'll all be welcoming a new year. So excited and yet so scared at the same time, but more of the excited part. Excited because I have so many goals and resolutions for the new year, scared because I have no idea what surprises the new year have for me!

okay mood spoilt because suddenly everyone is finding fault with me. what is wrong with me am i that a failure that everything i do is wrong? i don't understand. bye.

So, I was saying, new year. So many things are gonna change this year.and I'm sure I'll be on this blog whining about how much I hate those changes blah blah blah, and hopefully I'll get to post about successful weight loss. :) I've been trying to do so it for years, and I hope in this coming year I can finally said "I did it."

2012 has been eventful, inspiring, sad sometimes and filled with love. I've lost loved ones, I've made new friends, I lost my temper over stupid things, made so many mistakes, but most importantly I learnt to love those that I've always been loving, deeper. I've come to know who are my real friends, who still cares (even if it's subtle), and learnt a little more about myself.

-to be continued cause I'm tired-

Thursday, December 20, 2012

There is no limit.

I promise everyone who is reading this blog.
6 months from today, I'll be a different person.
I won't be the sexiest, the prettiest, the fittest person in the world,
but I'll be the best that I can be.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Somehow I'll always scrape through. This time is no exception. *crosses fingers*